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Ivan The Awesome

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Status Updates posted by Ivan The Awesome

  1. HAHA! Damn you're alright man. I'll positive rep you next time.

  2. Woooooow, proof that you're a ***. Neg rep for posting pics of a Girl? You've sunk to a new low malik. I'm impressed.

  3. LOL, nah man. I'm done now. I'm just setting your rep back to where it was before I gave you positive rep. That's all.

  4. Hahah, that was actually pretty funny.

  5. There's where you're wrong Dave, I checked the whole entire thread, NOT ONCE, did anyone call you a name, except when I called you a sad little man for calling me an ass kisser. Check the thread, read it in its entirety, I have plenty of opinions and I have even debated with people I've agreed with in the past. Heck I've even agreed with you on some of your points. You for some odd reason "believe" that I don't have an opinion. That's your prerogative. You're still trying to diminish my opinion by saying that I just agree with others or "Bandwagon". Which is totally false. Just shows that you absolutely don't like me. Which is fine as well. I'm not asking you to like me, but what I am saying is that you shouldn't dislike me for things that I haven't done. I don't even have a problem with you at all Dave, heck we root for the same team for petes sake. I'll go ahead and leave you be. But the minute I see you insult me, don't be surprised if I retaliate.

  6. You're getting worked up right now... Also you say you don't have AN issue but you do. You can't stand my opinion for whatever reason. That's fine if you don't agree. But saying you don't have a problem with others opinions the turning around and saying you have a problem with mine is called hypocracy.. also just to remind you, you had a problem with me ever since I didn't agree with you about the playoffs theory. Yhen you turned around and called me a ***. You started the insults pops.. not me.

  7. Are you naturally a fine young male or did you just find out?

  8. Look man. This is serious. You're getting worked up over nothing. You clearly don't belong on a board that people have other opinions than you. You can't handle them. By the way your thread, you were wrong. You were so wrong... Oh well.

  9. I didn't realize Mortal Kombat was out. Damn man, I'm getting behind the times. =/

  10. You sure, are a King among men.

  11. I fuging love you.(No homo.)

  12. Need that "site"s name please...<<;

  13. Now I seriously need to know where you and nc_biscuit find all these hot chick pictures. pweaaaase. =D

  14. Hey buddy, hope you're recovering from your childish temper tantrum. ;D

  15. Thanks for the swag.

  16. Yeah, I forgot to click that little circle. I don't really care to be honest. Enjoy the mistake, for now.

  17. Thanks for the Mamaries-er Memories!

  18. Dude, you gave me negative feed back for no reason. Wtf?

  19. Oh she's definitely a pro man, one of my favorites. Next to Sophie Dee of course. ;D

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