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Everything posted by ThPantherFan

  1. I'm not getting any hopes up. Don't like being disappointed. We'll probably one a couple of more and then that's it.
  2. I don't think he's our franchaise QB, but if he has a good showing we might get something for him.
  3. Sorry I upset you. That wasn't my intention. Just MY personal opinion.
  4. I would like to see Eason more. Can't rule out seeing if Sam has improved. We know what we have with Baker.
  5. You know, that is correct. CMC should be traded to a good team, such as the Bills. We have some RB's that can use the development from more action.
  6. Wow! Powerful words LP. I'm there with you. It is Wilkes time to shine. You have put in words what many of us believe. Thank you. Go PANTHERS!
  7. It was a lengthy read but well worth it. I appreciate the dedication and full thoughts you bring to this board. An excellent read.
  8. Wilkes will be okay. I believe he has a plan and in time it will be better.
  9. We actually had an NFL quality coach speaking. Refreshing.
  10. I don't think so my bass thumping friend.
  11. Actually I do think the Huddle had a big hand in it being done.
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