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Everything posted by hepcat

  1. Next year, yes. Atlanta will be back once they get their defense in order.
  2. Wow the Saints and 49ers are having a straight up fire sale. The only team standing in the way of a Carolina Super Bowl is really Seattle.
  3. Can't wait to see how well these teams fair next year...Carolina will be better next season by staying the same since they have so many young players that will be better just because of a year of experience.
  4. Carolina is just like poo, we don't need to do anything crazy to be good...let's just keep drafting well and make the Superbowl...
  5. Bersin has GOT to step up if he wants a roster spot this year. He was actually pretty decent as a receiver, but if they put him back at returner again I'm going to throw up.
  6. Who knows what will happen. All I know is I wouldn't be surprised if they went WR, OT, or DE in the first. RB or LB would definitely surprise me.
  7. Would it surprise anyone if they took a WR in the first again? Not me, I think it's likely actually.
  8. They signed Ginn and I guess Bersin gets the good ol boy contract again
  9. They still haven't signed Tannehill to an extention either...not that he'll get Wilson, Luck, or Newton money but still...
  10. Two year deal? Nice. I really like this signing. I don't get all the hate for Oher. He's a low risk, high reward signing. Reuniting with his first position coach and could potentially be a nice stopgap option while they groom a long term LT. Now let's sign Ginn and it'll have been a great day.
  11. Yea I agree the interior won't change but anything could happen at tackle. Remmers played well but I don't think they'll hand him the RT job.
  12. I don't get all the hate for Oher. He had a rough go of it on the Titans because well, that team is pure straight garabge. The Panthers wouldn't bring him in and plug him as the starter - he's just another option. There's no doubt in my mind they'll be drafting a potential LT and probably signing another veteran too. Who knows, Oher could end up playing RT, rookie at LT, Remmers as a backup....
  13. He'll likely come pretty cheap, he's still pretty young at 28, he's a pure talent upgrade over Byron Bell with high upside, and he's reuniting with his O-Line coach from his first few years in the NFL. It's a low risk, possible high reward signing. I still expect the Panthers to draft a potential LT but this could be a great stopgap move while they develop someone else.
  14. I think we can all agree - time to burn down the stadium. Things have gone far enough!
  15. hepcat

    Bad friend

    If it makes you feel any better, my roommate and I got 30 days notice at our house this week. We've lived together for 4 years and I've been a solid friend to and him actually got him his current job by recommendation. Heard from a friend he made a facebook post he intentionally hid from me, about looking for a new place to live and looking around, after telling me to my face he wanted to live with me again and wanting to look for a new place together. So yea you think you know someone...
  16. Which means a 1 year contract from Carolina sounds like just the right medicine.
  17. Got a feeling Jake Fisher is gone before Carolina's second round pick.
  18. Predicting either Atlanta, Tampa, Cincinnati, Chicago, or Oakland. Wildcard - New England....
  19. Would rather have Ted Ginn who will come far cheaper, already knows the offense and fits well on the team.
  20. I thought DeAngelo was a classy guy until this little tirade. I understand he's got some hurt feelings about the team not showing up at his mom's funeral, but they thanked you in millions of ways for your service. This charade after getting cut is immature. Lost some respect for him.
  21. This isn't surprising and I'm sure the players are on board with this since it could mean more money for them. Cam is at a disadvantage since he's been in the league a year longer than Wilson and if he doesn't sign a new contract this offseason, he'll likely be looking at the franchise tag next year. The Colts can do the same thing with Luck the Panthers are doing with Cam. Pick up his 5th year option, then franchise tag him, and there's every reason to believe they will do just that. I'd bet Cam signs his contract first. Wilson has a Superbowl ring with two Superbowl appearances. Furthest Cam has gone is the divisional round. If they signed contracts right now, Wilson would get the bigger contract, but next season could change a lot depending on how well the Panthers do. Guess it's a wait and see game now.
  22. Oh it's such a big deal now until the robots we create come back to kill us all
  23. An entire stick of butter slathered in ranch dressing topped off with bacon grease with a frothy chocolate mayonaise milkshake to drink.
  24. Of course he didn't mean that, but at the very least he knows he isn't getting the mega-deal he would have gotten last offseason. Best the Panthers can hope for if they want to bring Hardy back is a cap friendly one year prove-it deal with a ton of incentives to motivate him.
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