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Everything posted by Growl

  1. the black/gold helmets were hot and modern when they were introduced
  2. the problem with “modernizing” your look is that you have to keep doing it to uphold the premise The league has a few examples of this the Jaguars, the browns, the lions, all come to mind as the chief offenders. Abysmal organizations who are constantly phasing out now-dated design schemes to keep up with trends and feign enthusiasm i like the new helmet as a new alternate with the rule change but it shouldn’t be a precursor to some big overhaul. panthers have a good look using enduring design traits. Just keep it until it becomes timeless.
  3. it’s pretty demonstrably clear the panthers would’ve used #38 on him had they still had that pick. He slid because of the injury and because of issues in his past. i don’t think he should be regarded as a normal 3rd rounder. My expectations are of that of a 2nd in regards to how I’d handle him.
  4. sure but the offense is pretty well set for him to succeed and if it blows up your face how big a commitment to this season do you really wanna make i really don’t know what they wanna do
  5. really depends on the kind of season they wanna have if you trade for Baker then it should be followed up with a Clowney signing if you intend to evaluate Corral then it’s probably not an important move.
  6. honestly I was skeptical rhule really lost executive personnel control and I’m still skeptical Curious to hear the story hear as it comes out
  7. thanks for your input random huddle poster #624-3d, I’ll take it into consideration
  8. It’s not. I agree wholeheartedly with what TRG said. They’ve spent enormous resources on building the 1980’s football team that so many here want in accordance with Matt rhules archaic philosophy on football since he got here, and the fanbase will be the ones reaping the whirlwind, some of them gladly. id love to be wrong but it seems pretty obvious they’re just gonna stay put and take the third best offensive tackle in the class, before drafting #10 next season when we’re all having the exact same discussion (well not me, pretty sure I’m done) at this point it’s probably just best to hope the QBs don’t go to the teams you hate.
  9. almost accurate, except the black guy realizes that the soccer ball has nothing to do with the original point in hand and ignores it
  10. thanks for pointing out that having good players is good, anyways, back to the matter at hand
  11. There are people here who want an OT simply because they want an OT and no matter how much information is presented to them, they will turn and hide and simply wait for the next thread to pop up when the tide may be more favorable whether or it’s lingering biases on roster construction “gotta build those trenches!” or just a generally risk averse nature and a misguided belief that OTs are “safe,” people have dug their heels in and no matter how many seasons go by, no matter how many developmental QBs get drafted and excel in front of their very eyes, they are going to want an OT because it’s an nfl fortune cookieism that Hog Molly=Good and so you can’t go wrong taking one.
  12. you know what’s a joke turning tail and running earlier in the thread when multiple people started pressing you only to try and return when after waiting for a couple discount posters to come and make an argument for you
  13. Yeah no kidding bud, thanks, the point here is that so many are waiting for it, and it isn’t going to happen.
  14. Justin fields wasn’t Trevor Lawrence and Trevor Lawrence went one overall and Jacksonville entertained no trade offers. Fields got enormous amounts of criticism on this forum last offseason, and with a few exceptions, most of the people that don’t want a QB now didn’t want him then. the people on this board wanted Lawrence, because there is a demographic of people here who believe that is the only kind of QB worth taking. Once Lawrence was out of reach, the conversation didn’t switch to the next QB. It switched to Penei sewell.
  15. will you let it go, yes, they drafted a gamecock, move on. honestly the problem wasn’t even horn, it was the parade of buttpats they got after the darnold trade that made them feel “wow, we did it, we got a QB for cheap!” i honestly still think they were entertaining QB when the trade went through and only doubled down after everyone lined up to tell them what a good boy they were
  16. I’m not combing through 8 different free agent pools for you lol, you asked for two I gave you two
  17. At some point you have to sack up and try this team hasn’t made a single attempt to replace cam Newton, they’ve drawn it out playing games deluding themselves waiting for the perfect storm to come along and pass down the perfect QB prospect at the bottom of the top 10 it isn’t going to happen. be a man Dave
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