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Sean Payton's Vicodin

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Everything posted by Sean Payton's Vicodin

  1. Dalton, Kaep, and Cutler all suck balls though. And their teams are going nowhere fast. The QB bubble will pop when Seattle tells Wilson to fug off next year, in my opinion.
  2. Putting your cock in the Hornets nest I see. Either way I agree. The huddle sees a HOF QB. Everyone else sees an average QB. But everyone else is wrong you see.
  3. the funny thing is, i hate the funchess trade up and pick for the same reasons freefua outlined.
  4. he'll get signed by a team before the investigation is over. high reward/low risk don't know why we wouldn't take a flier on him. innocent until proven guilty.
  5. terrible trade. still no o-line help. gettleman spent like 10 minutes saying how deep this receiver class is, and then he gives up a 3rd rounder? we got skullfuged.
  6. we need a fuging WR with speed we need a fuging OT who isn't a soft pussy instead we traded three picks for a fuging slow ass motherfuger. this team is not going back to the playoffs.
  7. we need a fuging WR with speed we need a fuging OT who isn't a soft pussy instead we traded three picks for a fuging slow ass motherfuger. this team is not going back to the playoffs.
  8. lmao all that for a slow ass motherfuger gettleman what are you doing
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