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Everything posted by OneBadCat

  1. I don’t think the arm talent is the issue with Bryce’s deep ball. It’s a combo of accuracy, slower WRs, and lack of moxy on Bryce’s part. He seems too timid to take a chance . Even if it’s not going to work we need to take chances down field to show some aggression. Defenses need to at least consider the fact we “could” go deep.
  2. Can’t blame Cam for the refs rigging SB 50 though.
  3. I tend to agree. Fitt does the best job he can to support his coaches philosophy.
  4. Hurneys problem was loyalty and overpaying. But he was great with the draft.
  5. 100% agreed. It’s also reaction times and simply making a play with your arm talent. Knowing you can make a completion happen even if the defense countered with a correct call.
  6. Most accurate 5 yard passer there ever was. Those screens are a thing of beauty.
  7. 1. Go back in time. 2. Hire Wilks as HC. 3. Resign Cam 4. Draft AR 5. Keep DJ Moore 6. Resign Donta Foreman
  8. Wilks should have been the guy. He won the hearts of the players. He knew what do with the running game and had Darnold playing his best ball. We could have landed another QB without trading DJ Moore and be in the driver seat for the division right now. That said I like Burns but he is no Julius Peppers. He is tradeable .
  9. OneBadCat


    He’s got every right to tell us to shove it up our ass.
  10. You can’t disregard his size though. It’s a problem because he doesn’t have the physical tools to play within the game or out of structure. Even his running is comparatively slow because his stride is much smaller and doesn’t cover enough ground. Bryce is cerebral because he had to be the that way. It’s the only way he could compete at the college level. Now the competition is too athletic and too smart themselves . Expecting the rest of the team to be perfect so he can shine is not realistic or sustainable. As the #1 pick, and for what he gave up for him, he should be elevating the team. Not the other way around. It’s not his fault we took him. It’s not personal in that sense. But my god what a stupid pick. The FO has had the right answers in front of them for 3 years now and they continue to outsmart themselves with stupid choices.
  11. True but Brady did have elite size, great accuracy combined with legit NFL arm strength. He also had the body type to last in the NFL. Even if Bryce works out his body is always going to be pushed to the limits. He probably won’t be a 15 year vet.
  12. That’s some funny ass poo. Sucks it’s my team though.
  13. Doesn’t look like Cam will be usurped as the greatest Panthers QB for a long time.
  14. He’s had some plays that were Heineke-ish. But even less often. So no not really lol.
  15. In order for Bryce to work out and be worthy of what we sacrificed he has to be a borderline HOF level player. He has to be the bonafide outlier of QBs of his size and stature. That’s what has to happen. That’s literally the gamble here. And it was a dumb one. We outsmarted ourselves just because Bryce is a “good kid”. The reason Bryce is a super computer processor is because he had to be out of necessity. He doesn’t have the physical tools to play within the game and we are seeing it right now. If being smart was most of what it took then Ryan Fitzpatrick would be a HOF. We basically traded up for a Taylor Heineke. Plenty of QBs understand the game, few can really play it at starter/elite level.
  16. Wouldn’t it still be a fumble if he wasn’t touched by a defender ?
  17. I’d like to see some of the poise he’s already shown with a little bit of aggression and gun slinger mentality. If I’m Reich I’d tell him to take shots when you see them not worry about the interceptions. He needs to learn what the NFL windows are with experience. Part of our problem right now is that we are just not aggressive enough. Whether guys are open or not you have to take a deep shot to Mingo and TMJ and see if they can just win on 1 on 1 matchups.
  18. Just feels like too many variables have to be accounted for to make Bryce successful
  19. All we had to do was hire Wilks. Resign Foreman, Cam and draft AR. Or keeps Wilks, resign Foreman, make the same trade and Stroud. Seems like the team has be totally redesigned to make it work with Bryce.
  20. I never thought he was dumb. Just relaying what the comparisons were between the few two.
  21. He probably will be. I’d be baffled the FO didn’t consider that just maybe Bryce is a super computer of a QB because he had to be out of necessity. CJ on the other hand has the NFL traits to belong. And mentally CJ might not be too far off from Bryce and could catch up in a few years.
  22. True. Just seems like quite a gamble to take Young at his unprecedented size. I mean did they ever consider if Stroud could eventually acquire the mental side of it like Bryce has? Young literally has to be damn near HOF worthy to make it worth it.
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