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  1. Naw, Rhule was a dipshit that made everyone in the building miserable. You can have your opinion of Tepper but I know for a fact Matt was an asshole to everyone. Matt was about Matt, Dave is actually pretty genuine and about football so hopefully there is a change. What was worse were the “FOR” or friends of Rhule. They acted like their poo don’t stink. Evan Cooper (who just resigned for an unknown reason) was the biggest offenders.
  2. Lot of the money is dead cap, Dan bitting the bullet this year which was to be expected
  3. The first round product makes a great catch and the worry is on Bryce. Huddle 2024 is here.
  4. There are some head scratcher predictions on that list, but I fully agree The patriots will be the worst team next year.
  5. Depth is for sure not there but the starting line up doesn’t look too bad.
  6. Winning cures all woes…see Browns, Saints, Lions, Bucs, Dolphins, Rams, Bengals, and so on and so on.
  7. Next year will be interesting since the Panthers now employ a number of the PFF folk.
  8. This is the same league that has allowed Josh McDaniels to be a head coach 2 1/2 times it’s all about your connections.
  9. Naw, he’s a professional and knows how to work the nfl just not as a GM.
  10. There’s only so much you can pin on “but they came from a bad place”
  11. There’s been a massive Jayden is dumb push lately too but I think that’s nfc East folks pushing offseason noise. Its been a weird offseason in the nfl in general
  12. The reaction on social media is interesting, lots of typical “Tepper was the problem” but also a lot of knocking Adam Peters because Washington fans aren’t getting the hires they want exactly. Kinda been that way when Ben Johnson said the ownership really is more basketball based than NFL.
  13. Carolina DMV pipeline. I figured Scott would land somewhere but not this soon.
  14. The videos on Twitter from tonight make Wednesdays fight seem like child’s play lol
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