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Everything posted by *FreeFua*

  1. I swear these idiots just go to the locker room and do keg stands all halftime whenever they have any sort of lead
  2. K so with only one timeout this game will come down to an onside kick correct? Man I won't even be able to watch that
  3. So Seattle gets the onside kick again? I mean our ST's have let us down all year what's one more time? Im sorry but this half just wow. MVP of the league and you just shell up again. I just can't do this
  4. Look another f*ck up by special teams! Got the MVP of the league on your team and you're going to hand the ball to Russell and your overrated D! Always said this staff would hold this team back from anything special and here we are
  5. Conservative Ron! Still don't trust Cam. Welp you just gave the game to seattle
  6. find me someone who says there's a worse returner in the league than Webb and I'll show you a moron
  7. Norman gets greedy that's who he is that's why you tag him and THATS IT. He wants stats that's it
  8. Heeeeeeere comes Russ! Something breaks in my house after this TD
  9. Another 7 incoming... 31 isn't winning this game. Unbelievable.
  10. Can we please get a kick returner back there like Ginn? im tired of watch Webb wait and fall forward
  11. This is actually going to happen?Obviously learned nothing all year
  12. Finnegan is there! There is no reason for Coleman to f'n jump that too
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