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Everything posted by *FreeFua*

  1. Not sure if the clips in here but there’s a play where Bryce rolls out and hits Mingo sitting in the middle of the field I feel like Canales is going to be doing a lot of that. Getting Bryce out of the pocket and allowing him to see the field
  2. And when the NFL becomes a 7 v 7 league in 10 years some team will call Bryce and get him off of his couch
  3. If Canales is who we hope he is there’s no way he doesn’t already realize Bryce is going to hold back this offense
  4. And I’m pretty sure all 6 completions were short ones
  5. Where are these “wow” throws Bryce was reportedly making every day
  6. I was “fine” with the Bryce pick assuming he’d put that same work ethic we were sold on into adding muscle. At his size any muscle gain would be really noticeable and it’s obvious he didn’t do much this offseason So Dan can spare all the motivated/hard work talk when it comes to Bryce. There’s not much you can control these days but showing up in the best shape possible to give yourself a fighting chance is one of them
  7. Kid didn’t gain a single pound this offseason Sweet.
  8. Tom Brady’s arm is night and day better than Young’s Like wut There are throws Young simply cannot make in the NFL. He proved that to be a fact last year. There wasn’t a single throw Tom Brady couldn’t make. What are we even doing here?
  9. I’m thinking Geno will be our QB in 2025
  10. I agree. My fear is that with Canales he becomes serviceable which puts us right back in that 7-8 win territory that forces another trade up for a QB Sure the situation last year was awful but a lot of the sacks were on Bryce last season. There were also more than enough plays each game last year where if he was able to process and play within the timing of the offense there were easy completions to be made
  11. Yeah… A coach who stresses the importance of timing and footwork would choose a QB who struggles with both of those… makes sense
  12. I just hope Canales gets a fair shot with a QB of his choice after this season
  13. There are so many examples last year where Bryce drops back and should throw the ball but chooses not to the lack of arm strength, slow processing and terrible footwork shows up a lot. This whole 2.7 thing sounds really good but that’s never been Young’s game and Young isn’t a good enough athlete with a good enough arm to playing backyard football in the NFL Bring on 2025
  14. I’m curious to see what this offense looks like. Every coach says they’re going to build around the strengths of their players but not a lot actually do. Canales actually seems to do that. Canales talks about finding those plays where the QB plants that back foot and rips it and building off of those plays… When did we ever see Bryce plant that back foot and rip it? Outside of one touchdown pass against GB. Other than that they’re tough to find. Even throughout his time at Bama. So where in the hell is Canales supposed to start in terms of building a passing game?
  15. I’m almost more curious to see what Baker does this year than I am to watch Bryce. If you go and watch all of Baker’s touchdown passes from 2023, there’s maybe 4-5 that Young doesn’t have the arm strength for or that we simply don’t have Mike Evans. If Young’s able to correctly process what’s out there then in this offense his numbers should be at minimum decent. If they’re not then he’s truly absolute dog sh!t. If Baker takes a major step back then I’ll look forward to Canales getting to pick his guy in 2025
  16. That’s something that stood out to me with Bryce in college. No urgency. That was for sure going to carry over into his pro game. ‘live to see another down’ is fine when you’re playing at Alabama where you’re always going to get the ball back but that’s not the case in the NFL
  17. I agree with you. I’ve seen people laugh at the thought the Panthers would move on from Bryce after year 2. Whereas unless this greatly improves I don’t see how they don’t. Like you said, if they’re picking top 3 again they won’t even have a choice but to move on from Bryce
  18. They’re backing themselves into a corner if this goes south They’re talking about getting his feet right and the ball coming out quick. Well if that doesn’t work there’s nothing left to do. Given the fact Young was drafted 1st due to his ability to process on paper this sounds like the perfect combination There will be no excuses left after this year for Bryce.
  19. Where are those people who were telling us he “bulked up”
  20. Oh god I missed that. Glad I did.
  21. Bryce kept it very “general” this offseason when asked what he did the offseason to improve and kept to what he’s been doing for years didn’t touch the nutritional part of the question I expect nothing to change this season
  22. That’s the last thing we need. Stumble our way to a couple of pointless victories If Bryce shows legit potential (doubtful) then win all the games you want. But if we’re winning games like we did with Sam Darnold then that does us no good at all
  23. Takes 5 mins to hop on YT throw on some Baker highlights and see that a lot of Baker’s big completions aren’t balls Young will throw or quite frankly is capable of throwing Canales isn’t a Bobby Slowik where he’s scheming guys wide ass open
  24. Baker was never as bad as this organization made him look. I said that countless times during that year. Baker had enough tape in Cleveland that proved he wasn’t as bad as he was here. And again, Mike Evans consistently winning 1 on 1 opens up sooooo much for an offense. Plus the division is literally garbage
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