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Everything posted by SmokinwithWilly

  1. Maybe, maybe not. Nothing against Fields but every QB on this team looked worse under Rhule.
  2. Too soon to make that call for me. I want too see how things go in playoffs and combine.
  3. It's not a loser's mentality to realize winning games that don't matter anywhere but the stat sheet doesn't actually make the team better. Man, that Washington win against Rivera sure felt good. Granted it cost us our shot at 2 QBs who are looking pretty darn good right now but that win is going to carry me for the next 10 years of pathetic football year after year. Man that was a great win. I dont even remember the fuging score. I'm not rooting for them to win. I'm not rooting for them to lose. I don't care who they fire. I don't care who they trade. Figure it out. Put a quality product on the field for more than a single season. If they want this fanbase to show up and be proud, do something worthy of our adoration.
  4. How on earth anyone could look at Ben McAdoo and say to themselves "This guy is a rock star OC" is beyond me. How he could have saved Rhule's job is even more baffling. How in the world Tepper thought either of those guys was good enough ... there's just no words.
  5. Complaining is one thing. Recognizing piss poor moves when they happen is something else. You don't have to be an NFL executive to see that the majority of what Rhule did was destined for failure. If you watch any type of film, you can tell the guys who can play and who can't. But please, continue to defend Tepper and Rhule and all the awww shucks we'll get em next time moves and the perpetual failure that has permeated this organization the past 4 years and the majority of its existence.
  6. It wasn't hindsight. We called it when it happened so many times it got old.
  7. Considering the huddle has been right more often than Rhule and our GM the past 3 years, they might do better to actually listen to us.
  8. So what if it takes 2.5 years to use all of it. Burns is not an elite talent. He's good, but the offer was a ransom for an incomplete DE to a team hanging on the edge of competing for it all now. Those picks allow for a lot of flexibility if the team wants to move up for a QB next year. 30 mil in cap space can allow you to add 2 or 3 key pieces. If I thought we were 1 or 2 key pieces away from being in contention, I'd say keep Burns, fug the trade. But we're not. We're likely 2 years minimum, probably 3 from being playoff contenders at best given our present qb situation. That's when extra 1st would definitely come in handy.
  9. Baker is terrible combined with the splattered shitpile that is Ben McAdoo's genius has created a bubbling festering quagmire of offensive ineptitude.
  10. The 2nd is 2023, the 1st of 2 1sts is 2024, plus his new contract we wouldn't be paying are all before 2.5 years. Better check your math again.
  11. This team needs more than Burns. An extra 2nd this year and 2 more 1sts plus 30m cap available can do a lot to fill the gaps. I want the team to get better. Those picks with a competent GM, new HC and new OC could go a long way in that direction.
  12. We could have gotten to the same spot with Jacob Eason.
  13. If McAdoo is the best we could do for OC, I'd hate to see the guys who weren't good enough to be rock stars.
  14. Turning down the Rams trade just looks worse and worse
  15. His receivers did not help him yesterday with all the drops. He missed some stuff for sure, but I recall several times the ball hit guys in the hands and they just dropped it on critical downs.
  16. Isn't it a bit early to start drinking for tomorrow's game already?
  17. Getting the HC correct is most important. We've all seen how much having a bad coach brings down every aspect of the team, so conversely, the opposite must be true as well. A great QB prospect can be destroyed by the wrong HC or a system built around them that doesn't fit their natural abilities.
  18. I always have about 15 feet of the stuff wrapped around a pencil in every first aid kit along with 2 rolls of HQ electrical tape. Electrical tape makes a pretty fast and effective tourniquet in emergency situations on the job or just as a more flexible and durable bandaid.
  19. Exactly. If XYZ Qb doesn't have the traits necessary to make a successful NFL QB according to your staff and evaluation, take the most impactful player you can or trade back if someone offers you the farm. But that strategy is based on your head guys knowing their poo and well, it's yet to be determined if ours do.
  20. Tepper can only hope so he can use that cash to pay some of his Rock Hill debt.
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