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the butch

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Everything posted by the butch

  1. Started cutting my diet last week from 3000 calories @ 25%/50/25 fat/carbs/protein to 2200 @ 30/30/40. I'm doing this for about 4 weeks, then I'll start bulking up again. Headed to Miami in mid-April, so just trying to make sure the abs are at least peeking through by then [even though I'll be chained to the woman]. Still gotta give'em something to look at, right? This weather needs to start warming up so I can at least get my cardio in outside and work on this pasty white skin.
  2. After what Hardy did, I SERIOUSLY doubt we go near any player that has a known history of hitting women, much less pushing them down stairs.
  3. Frittata (the whole milk kind) with bursted grape tomatoes. Slab of bacon brushed with maple syrup and cut into 1/4" slices. Orange. Fresh-squeezed grape fruit juice. Arabica bean coffee served french press. No sugar, and no cream--straight black. Then walk out onto the balcony with my Bloody Marry.
  4. Keary Colbert and Drew Carter were pretty bad
  5. Guys, guys, guys.... 1. The CONVICTION was a TRIAL by JUDGE in DISTRICT court 2. The appeal was an appeal de novo to SUPERIOR court--meaning the conviction is WIPED OFF the books [backspace backspace backspace] and the computer system quite literally read, "JUDGMENT PENDING." 3. State decided not to go forward with prosecution, DROPPING THE CRIMINAL SUIT against Hardy, i.e., there was no second trial, and since it was a trial de novo, there is no prior conviction to fall back on. Result: Hardy is innocent, and can no longer be tried for domestic violence or communicating threats stemming from this incident. 4. The NFL is an UNINTERESTED PARTY. They essentially have the same rights to the transcripts as you and I do. CONCLUSION NFL ain't gettin' the damn transcripts from Hardy's lawyer.
  6. I'm talking strictly about the transcripts. Public has access to all documents not under protective order. All you need to do is go to the clerk of courts office. Some counties may have a website that allows access to civil filings, but Mecklenburg County does not.
  7. Well, of course if it's INTRODUCED to the court, then it's public record and the NFL doesn't even need a motion. The thing is, nothing was introduced. There was no second trial. It's his work product. Period. Full stop.
  8. I see some beastly guys using the Smith machine on occasion. I'm not sure why, though. They seem to be experienced and knowledgeable, and have good lower body strength. IDK. Maybe it's a isolation thing; go heavier since the core isn't engage as much. In any event, yeah, I wouldn't use it--throws your form off big time. I'd maybe recommend it for a beginner who needs to know what it's like to bend at the knees with a bar across his back. Even then ...
  9. Doesn't matter if they're introduced at another trial (there wasn't one). His attorney's w/p is his attorney's and his alone.
  10. Said this in another thread, but it's unlikely that the NFL will get to see the transcripts. The defense attorney had the transcripts paid for and are his work product. Hardy, as a client, has the right to obtain a lot of his file, but the transcripts would not be included. The NFL can only control Hardy, and Hardy doesn't have the documents.
  11. People still believe there are no district court transcripts? There most definitely are. And they are most definitely the work product of Hardy's defense attorney. Hardy, as a client, has the right to obtain his file, but that does not include the transcripts. Rosenhaus is Hardy's agent, and he doesn't have them, so the NFL can't force Hardy via Rosenhaus to turn them over. Back to reality . . . This would be an outstandingly insane [in a good way] chain of events if Hardy gets back into good graces with the FO and signs as a Panther next year.
  12. The idea is actually to attempt to squeeze them in order to maintain form; not to actually try and actively lift the weight that way.
  13. -Chest up/back straight -Shoulders back and squeezed -Abs tight when lowering and butt tight when in erect position to protect lower back Yeah. They're a hell of an upper body workout, too. Keep gettin' it!
  14. Most will say to only train legs once a week depending on your particular regimen. If you go heavy, then once a week. If you go lighter, then you can up the frequency to two days a week. Just allow a solid two days between workouts and never start training if you're still sore. You've caught the bug, I guess?
  15. I'm slow to anger Appreciate diversity in arguments Embrace everyone's opinion Been here since '08 Most importantly, I act like an adult . . . Oh, and I love pie, and mods ALWAYS get pie. Cheers
  16. I think we bring Colin Cole back. He provided valuable snaps.
  17. In all fairness, squats do require an extended period of rest b/n sets. But at some point you gotta get going. I'm not above asking how much longer someone is going to be. Just sucks bc there is no other quip met you can use to replicate a free squat using an Olympic bar. #GymProbs
  18. 17 pages about a girl we don't know and a player from another team on a Panthers message board . . . You guys come out of nowhere.
  19. lol. he was too concussed to tell the difference between a 1 and a 10. i don't really see the big to-do here. he got his; she got hers. so what?
  20. There is honestly nothing wrong with PF. Sure, they make some, shall we say, "odd," business decisions, but their equipment and everything is fine for about 90% of people that work out. Their may be some people in there making some counteractive choices, e.g., the whole pizza day thing, but that doesn't affect anyone else, so it's really of no consequence. People just tend to hate on it because it's the "it" thing to do. Truth is, the membership is cheap, they have good equipment, and I think all of them have tanning beds. If it weren't so damn convenient for me to go to Gold's, I'd sign up at PF. Only bad thing is there isn't a lot to look at . . .
  21. Put a pole up. To me, it's clearly Cam. The D plays as a unit. Our O is all Cam. You think Shula could do better without Cam. Guy is propping Shula up. Luke is best LB in the league. But in today's NFL, points are what matter.
  22. You guys are really feeding on this. We should refine our definition of "chance." Dex has a chance at running the Boston Marathon. That would require him to lay off the chicken wings. Just because someone (Voth) is hearing from someone "inside the organization" that Hardy has a "chance" at rejoining the team doesn't mean it's at all a possibility. The question, folks, is one of degree, not kind.
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