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Everything posted by t96

  1. A starting FS should never have 100 tackles. Whoever made the decision to change Chinn's role from last year should be fired. Incredible player, not being used right at all this year.
  2. There's no point at all playing Cam at this point. Give Sam the rest of the game. Even if he sucks.
  3. QB or OL. Trade up or down as needed to get the player we want at those positions for good value. No reaching and don’t bother going BPA when it’s going to be a corner, linebacker or DT.
  4. You underestimate the incompetence of many people in front offices around the league. It benefits us to try to increase Sam's value over these last few weeks. Him playing lights out for 3 games may not move the needle much but it could be the difference between having to trade away a mid round pick vs. a late round pick for a team flush with cap space to take his contract. It's only 1 year and if he puts good film out there to close out the season he'll have nearly half a season with good film with us and some team with cap space whose not anywhere near contending may be willing to take a shot. Point is there is some potential benefit to starting Sam. There really is no benefit at all to this team to start Cam or PJ, other than appeasing fans with letting Cam add to his TD totals for the hall of fame (and we can still do that with Sam starting).
  5. Honestly the best move for this team is to start Sam and try to get him going. Cam can come in for goal line packages. If we can possibly rehab Sam's value a bit in these last 3 games that would be huge for our chances of getting rid of his contract in the offseason. None of the 3 QBs are the solution for us but at least starting Sam can help us in a way going forward if he puts a little bit of good film out there to close the year. Starting Cam or PJ don't really offer anything at this point, frankly.
  6. When was he ever beating his 2015 season? 2016 clearly not. 2017 he was very good but not 2015 level. 2018 he was doing very good and better than 2017 before the injuries but still not at 2015 level. But yeah in terms of purely winning games, Cam is the answer. A 100% healthy Cam with full strength in his arm is the most valuable player in team history at the most important position.
  7. He's a hall of famer. He helped revolutionize the game and his raw numbers across the board are hall of fame. Also an MVP. Maybe not first ballot due to no rings and the injuries piling up but he's definitely a hall of famer.
  8. If only Mole face didn’t implode in the playoffs last year.
  9. I'll always remain a Panthers fan and from the start of every season will be very interested in the games as I will always be hopeful going into a season. But if this stretch of sucking continues it will be earlier and earlier in the seasons if we struggle when I start to lose interest. Haven't missed a game yet this year yet but the last few have been doing other things at the same time and have missed a fair amount of plays including TDs, etc. When we're good I'm annoyed by missing plays but haven't cared one bit these past few weeks. I also may miss part of tomorrow's game. So yeah the state of this team absolutely blows but I can endure it. Just won't invest as much time/interest in the team when they're this bad.
  10. When an organization treats their players like sh*t like the Pats do, guys don't want to stay.
  11. It's worth noting that we didn't get a 5th for him, we got a 6th while also giving up a 7th. So really a negligible move up late in the draft.
  12. So he turned it around in Vegas, nice for him. We signed him and he showed up to camp out of shape, unvaccinated and all around just a general distraction while not looking like he'd offer anything on the field. We got a pick for the cap space which was already sunk anyways, the trade was completely fine. We've made plenty of terrible moves lately, this isn't one of them. He was going to be cut based on his behavior in training camp anyways.
  13. Actually it’s Tepper. Our OL in 2018 was okay
  14. Remember when our record under Rivera in December was right up there with like Reid and Belichick... I miss those days of being clutch down the stretch.
  15. It was a waste of cap space ultimately. Not because Cam didn't help us but because by the time we brought him in we were well past the point of being saved. Compounding terrible decisions (Teddy, Sam) with bad decisions (Cam due to timing) has been our modus operandi at the QB position under this regime. The team actually thought Cam would make us a playoff team. And that is a flat out embarrassing lack of awareness from the organization. And with our season done now all the Cam signing did was waste more cap space on the QB position. It was fun initially and I'm glad Cam came home but for the ultimate goal of building this team up to being a championship team, it was not a good move.
  16. We've lost like 5-6 games to really bad teams. We'd be entrenched in the playoffs if this were true, even if we weren't a real contender and couldn't beat good teams. Such a waste of a season
  17. Yep. It's frigging unbelievable. The guys who are a part of winning teams in this league don't make excuses or cry about getting booed. They'll be the first to say they deserve the booing and need to get better. Such a joke of a team from top to bottom.
  18. I never want to see Sam on the field for the Panthers again as it makes me want to fuging puke. But I don't think that playing Cam or PJ has any purpose whatsoever at this point and maybe Sam could put some more good film out there helping us get rid of him easier. Doubtful and it probably doesn't matter as none of the 3 are in our future though.
  19. For the past few weeks I have been multitasking while watching the game in the background, not concerned if I happen to miss a few plays. I won't miss a game unless I have some specific conflict of importance but yeah I try to make better use of my time than just watching the games once the team sucks like this. When the team is good I'm pissed when I miss a play.
  20. Not surprising considering his slender build but I don't think I've ever seen Robby catch a contested pass like that or hang on through the contact. Smitty, despite being a half foot shorter than Robby, would've come down with that pass every single time. Just another reason we shouldn't have given Robby that contract in hindsight.
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