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Everything posted by AU-panther

  1. I don't think it is because Watson only wants to play for the Jets, its the fact that the Texans only would want to trade with the Jets. McCain is basically saying that he doesn't think they want to trade him, but if they do, the Jets are the only team they would be willing to listen to, which is somewhat logical. If they think QB2(most likely Wilson) is that much better than any other QB in the draft, outside of Trevor, it makes sense. If you are going to lose a top-3 QB you better get a QB in return that gives your fanbase hope. Also from a rebuild perspective the best thing they could ask for is a potential franchise QB. As far as the Panthers go I agree that we might be willing to sell the farm but at the same time, no matter what we give, we can't guarantee them a QB. Our best chance is for the Jets just to decide they aren't willing to give up much for Watson. Pure speculation on my part, but it wouldn't surprise me if that trade example of two 1st, two 2nds, and 2 young defensive players wasn't close to an offer they already received. Actually sounds like something we could have offered. We definitely have some young defensive players that would be appealing, I'm not sure the Jets do. If anything it might be the Texans way of letting other teams, mainly Jets, know what they need to offer. I'm not convinced they want to trade him, but I could see where they could talk themselves into it. They were terrible with Watson. Their cap situation is bad for the next few years, their draft capital is low, their best chance for a quick rebuild might actually be to trade him, if they hit on the QB in the draft. They might be trying to act like they have no desire of trading him, to save face, but at the same time secretly hoping the Jets make them a deal they can't refuse. If they do decide to trade him and the Jets or maybe Miaimi don't want to budge, I think we have a very good chance. We have a fairly high 1st this year and a decent amount of appealing, younger players and I think we would be willing to deal. I can't see a team like WTF, 49ers, or Indy putting together a better package.
  2. Zach Wilson Because of the previous coach and Gm their cap situation isn't great the next few years. Their draft pick situation isn't great either. Their best chance of improving, if they lose Watson, is to hit on a rookie QB and they might like Wilson a good bit more than Fields or Lance.
  3. Outside of a quality OT prospect being there I’m taking Moore in a heartbeat if he makes it to our second pick.
  4. Pay a really good tackle (Moton) $16m a year or give up a 1st to pay a tackle (Brown) $16m a year. Easy decision for me. I don't see us paying both. Unless Moton moves to LT, which might not even work, I don't see us being great at LT. Either we sign a cheap vet, who will most likely be below average, or draft a LT in the first 2 rounds, who also will most likely be below average their first year. Best chance for us to be good at LT is probably resigning Okung and hoping he stays healthy, but here again probably too expensive. More realistic chance of improving our O-line in the short term is resigning Moton and upgrading the interior spots some, which could be possible with some cheap free agents later in free agency.
  5. People need to realize there is a very good chance that he might not be QB4 on our board. After Trevor there is going to be some variance with the QBs. Also it seems people are overthinking the Cam comparisons and/or they are just Cam fans who get their feelings hurt if anyone is compared to Cam. Nobody thinks he is the physical specimen of Cam, he isn't as big. What they are saying, is he probably has one of the strongest arms since Cam, that is actually a huge compliment to Cam because there have been a lot of QBs drafted since then. Also he is one of the best running QBs since Cam, especially when you factor in the ability to run with power. There are a lot of QBs that can scramble, and have some speed, but what made Cam different was his ability to also run with power. Here again, huge compliment to Cam, they aren't saying he is as good but you have to go back to Cam to find someone who is similar or better at it.
  6. That assumes the Texans are willing to trade him and also that would just take 3 1st.
  7. I feel better about finding an OT in the 2nd than a QB, by most accounts it a a good tackle class. Need to find a way to trade up without having to use this years second, maybe including a player instead of a pick. I like Brown a lot, and think he is going to become a great player, but last year did set up well for us to take a tackle in the first. I'm afraid when it is all over we are going to have to “make due” at the spot and maybe address it another time.
  8. Teams that have money to spend are going to get some great deals. The big name guys will still get paid, but I fully expect some of the guys that would normally be going in that 4-8m range will be in the 3-6 range. I would think there might be a lot of guys signing one year deals because of this.
  9. So these reports that a deal was close could have been just been the Eagles putting it out there hoping it would entice the teams to up their bid? Such a ludicrous idea....
  10. I agree with you but I am a bit nervous. They might not be convinced they can get who they want at 8 and they might not be willing to give up the resources to trade up. Personally I'm hoping we can get a rookie without giving up much and letting him develop. Not a big fan of hoping vet guys improve magically.
  11. anything is possible, but I don't see the Jets sticking with Darnold. They clearly tanked last year for a reason, and that reason was to get a QB.
  12. So the reports that a deal was close could have been false? Possibly?
  13. You trying to change the conversation repeatedly after agreeing with me clearly shows who this is more important to... You can’t let it go.
  14. Your point? I never said anything to the contrary I just presented a theory that could be somewhat possible and you took offense to it but later agreed it was possible . I know you are trying to get the last word in but talking about others sceneries is another weak attempt. I said Eagles could be leaking some of the info, you disagreed at first but later said there was a chance. A chance is all I ever said. That discussion is over, if you want to talk about Watson we can start another thread.
  15. I never said I knew more, just a possibility, but I like your weak attempt of deflecting now that you have already agreed with me and said it was possible.
  16. So you agree with me that it is possible. I never said I was 100% sure, said it was possible, for some reason that bothers you. I don’t claim to have more insight, I can use some common sense and realize that not everything you read or hear should be taken at face value. There is nothing wrong with reading between the lines, you should try it one day.
  17. Still haven’t answered....100% sure? all I’m saying is there is a chance, not sure why that bothers you so much What does sooner have to do with it, the close reports have been going on for a week? if anything the longer this takes the more likely my theory could be true.
  18. Didn’t answer my question, so you believe there is zero chance that the Eagles could be leaking some of these reports to help try and improve the offers?
  19. The article is from yesterday. What exactly are you trying to say? So you are 100% sure there are now 3 teams in an all out bidding war for Wentz? All I said is that it some of these reports could actually be the Eagles trying to drum up more interest, are you saying that is not possible at all? Or are you convinced that everything you read is to be taken at 100% face value?
  20. There might be two or three teams involved but that doesn’t mean they are aggressively bidding against each other. I’ve been saying for a week now that it’s possible that the Eagles could be leaking some of these reports. Now you have a report saying they aren’t happy with the offers which would make that even seem more plausible. You don’t have to take every report at face value, as a fan you can use some logic and common sense. My guess is both Colts and Bears made offers, neither of which were as good as they hoped. Also they probably really aren’t trying to outbid each other, so Eagles are trying to get them to counter with better, hence all of the “close” reports last week. Now that they haven’t budged we have talks about a third team.
  21. Blanket statements based on one game? Bucs won the conference championship game 31-26, does that mean offense gets you to the super bowl?
  22. All of these “reports” about a trade being close, almost sounds like the Eagles trying to drum up business.
  23. Last year should have been our rebuild year. We lost that opportunity, hopefully we don't end up overspending to correct that mistake.
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