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The Lobo

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Everything posted by The Lobo

  1. True, and very good point, I didn’t think I of that. I just thought when he got tagged it was he either plays on it, signs an extension or a team signs him and we don’t match (getting 2 firsts). So we can trade a tagged player?
  2. I doubt a team signs him to a huge deal and gives us two firsts. My guess, he signs a long term deal by July 15.
  3. I’d be shocked if anyone trades for him, a release is more likely. You never know though…
  4. They had it right there with Red Wolves but they ruined it
  5. Like most of the comments on this post, I’m ready for all this poo to be over. I’d rather have Luvu and Brown. If they can manage all three, even better.
  6. They made a post to Twitter saying all of that and then quickly deleted it. Not saying they are lying or wrong, but let’s wait until cams side of the story comes out.
  7. They were grown men. Both were coaches of another 7 on 7 team. They had prior affiliations with cams team but left. Now they have TSP.
  8. Cam is awesome he will forever be my favorite player.
  9. Yeah I didn’t have high hopes they would sign him either, just posting that here for an update
  10. By not accepting the rams trade this team made their decision. Now if they trade him for less than what the rams offered, that’s a big fat L. They have to reach an agreement some way, although I think paying him 30 mil is too much. His production does not match that. If he gets it, good for him, get the bag.
  11. Yes and I think yesterday he tweeted a pic of him playing against Atlanta last year (home game). As we have found out, social media posts don’t mean anything, but it’s at least some news I guess.
  12. Wait, he ditched the draft to go to a Kenny cheaper concert?
  13. I’d love it, he’s one of my favorite non panther players, but would he want to come to a rebuild?
  14. I just want to see improvement this first year.
  15. I got all fired up at first, and then I realized I did the same for Reich and Rhule. Let’s see it on the field on sundays this time please.
  16. I wonder who will Washington target now?
  17. Exactly, so won’t it keep happening bc Tepper can just get new moles
  18. Is this gonna stop now that campen is gone, Tepper is still here, he could easily find another rat.
  19. I swear this is most quotable movie of all time.
  20. All good apology accepted. We all want the same thing, just want to watch our team win.
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