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The Lobo

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  1. First thing I thought of as well…what the heck happened?
  2. I know it’s not pro, but thank goodness for the NC college teams.
  3. These last two off seasons have been rough, this off season, this is the least I’ve checked in on this board in an offseason.
  4. I apologize for my wording of worked up, I couldn’t think of a better way to phrase that sentence in regards to his post. I’m not very smart. Albright will always slant things to make him self look right.
  5. Ah I see, I’ve been following him since Watson was linked to us, the longer I follow, the more I see him make a fool of himself.
  6. I was just thinking a tad further than cam, Palmer had some good seasons, then after that, the mannings?
  7. I’m hoping he overcomes all this. Like I said last year, if he’s good we are good, but he’s got a lot to improve on.
  8. Not to pile on here, but I found these posts interesting
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