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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. I've watched Nolan Smith's whole career. Scheme will have nothing to do with it. I was hoping he could slide but it's just not going to happen. Dude's the next Thomas Davis.
  2. Like my favorite tidbit of knowledge about how big a deal the hornets were prior to the panthers is that the strip club on Tyvola on the way to the coliseum was like the fifth most profitable strip club on the east coast. I can't remember the exact number but it was shocking how much money that place would make.
  3. Oh so he hired a consulting group to figure out how to fleece the fanbase? Wow, what a hero. This myth that Charlotte was some dark horse to get an NFL franchise needs to die. At the time Charlotte led the league in NBA attendance, and the hornets were one of the most profitable NBA teams in the league. The Charlotte area had the money and population to support the team. There were multiple groups trying to get the Panthers to Charlotte; Richardson won not because of the "professionalism of his presentation" or whatever stupid thing (do you think the other business leaders wouldn't have been?) but because he figured out a way to scam the city with PSLs, and other owners wanted to see if it would work. Just like he was later in his career, he was more than happy to screw over his own fans and for the betterment of the league owners (2010). the real shocker at the time was Jacksonville. That's the one where people were probably paid off.
  4. And then didn't have another winning season for seven years. Constant internal power squabbles, drove his own family out of the business, sexually assaulted everything that moved, infatuated with Marty Hurney, nuked his own team to make a point to the Players Union, took a heart transplant from someone who wasn't a piece of poo. Good riddance
  5. This was when it was very clear that Jerry wasn't 100% anymore He had a pretty serious heart surgery at age 73. Obviously he didn't have a choice, but I would tell patients to avoid anesthesia for anything that isn't life threatening over 65. And heart surgery itself is a huge strain on the body at any age, to say nothing about over 70. There are some cardiologist/neurologists that think every patient who receives a surgery like that should get an MRI of the brain within a week just to make sure they didn't suffer a stroke.
  6. oh man old bengals stories are the best like one of the players bought everyone towels for the locker room because they only had one basically hand towel per training session. Corey Dillon said he'd rather work at McDonalds than come back to the Bengals. When he was coming out for the draft, Ryan Mallet said Arkansas had nicer facilities. This was a post from another forum, so I'll just c/p it here.
  7. Rule changes are forcing teams to treat qbs like nba lottery picks. they can’t afford not going to be able to pass on taking a chance on developing the athletic freak.
  8. oh. weird. that doesn't seem to make any sense.
  9. clark county police just put out a warrant for his arrest. it's not just a misdemeanor
  10. Look like Jalen Carter is going to be doing some jail time. He's been pulled out of the combine. Might make a team like the Lions think about going QB, or trade out of the spot.
  11. the wonderlic is not a test of cognition. It’s just a bunch of random facts. The SAT is also not a test of cognition and has come under loads of criticism to the point that many schools are just dumping it. cognition tests you’re ability to receive, process, and utilize information across different modalities. Examples of this would be visuospatial (significant for Alzheimer’s) fluency, verbal comprehension, story recall, recall under stress etc. obviously the wonderlic does none of that. this s2 company has two neuropsych guys on the board which makes me think they’re taking elements of tests like that, or visually evoked potentials or whatever and trying to find a correlation. And eventually they’ll start selling this as a way to train highschool athletes because that’s where the money is. but there aren’t any peer reviewed studies for this and everything right now is very small sample size. This just seems like SPORTS SCIENCE stuff wonderlic is also poo btw
  12. So to give you an example, comparative tests in neurology or whatever can take up to multiple days (in the case of neuropsych batteries) and have to be reviewed by someone with substantial experience grading them, if not phd lvl training. this is from their own website GET YOUR S2 SCORE REPORT Results are instantly revealed in a detailed report featuring the individual scores of the athlete’s abilities – analyzing each of their strengths and weaknesses, along with their overall S2 Score. Nothing makes me trust something like a report that’s both detailed AND instantaneous. everything about this sounds like the kind of poo at the mall that tells you what kind of insole to buy. https://www.s2cognition.com/how-s2-works
  13. Like from a neurological perspective? wouldn’t be too hard.
  14. god damn those starters jackets
  15. I think if the panthers decide to go (and land) care that they’ll make a move for Nuke.
  16. he had a long nfl career across multiple positions in the secondary. he's really good on NFL network panthers are hiring young coaches to groom for higher positions. this is absolutely the right call. if it works out, great, they have people they can poach when (hopefully) they lose coaches to other teams. If it doesn't work out, oh well, who cares.
  17. Kasay was instrumental in keeping Smith on the team after Anthony Bright. Oh also him getting pulled over with pills that weren't his but I think I'm the only person that remembers that happening.
  18. This is opposite all the reporting that was ever done about his release, including things he himself said. think smith miiiiight be revising history a tad.
  19. mina says she’s “nearly” 5’7 with 4 inch heels on. bryce is probably wearing dress shoes with at least a 1 inch rise. dude may be Kit Harrington mode.
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