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About Gipetto

  • Birthday 03/08/1988

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  1. Star wars fans whine less than panther fans
  2. why would you even post this. were already miserable
  3. This team had no identity and every player is replaceable. Dan Morgan is doing an actual rebuild. Let him cook before you crucify him.
  4. Watch him get 20 sacks next season
  5. i wonder what this team would look like iwth melo and mark
  6. CMC was dead to me the moment he left carolina.
  7. How come as soon as PJ washinton leaves the hornets hes a potential all start? make it make sense
  8. You don't give up on a first overall pick after 1 season. Are y'all dumb
  9. imagine if he had better protection and a #1 reciever.
  10. Bryce is our future and will lead this team to a Super Bowl within 5 years. Give him some protection and a weapon or two and let him cook.
  11. MVP is the no quit attitude of the team
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