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Everything posted by MillionDollarCam

  1. Looks like we will get Bouk… so we are going to a nine man rotation.
  2. Oubre played that entire quarter… Only way we’ll see Bouknight is if JB goes to a nine man rotation but it looks like he’ll stick with eight. In other news, this team has depth. Ish Smith can still run an NBA offense.
  3. Of course Nixon is another Baylor guy but overall he seems to be very hands on; he also seems to be a very intelligent individual (Deans List, All Big Ten Academic, Masters Degree). At 1:45 in the video you can see Nixon essentially running the practice with Rhule lurking in the background. Nixon also has 5 years of NFL experience… a plus compared to what Brady had.
  4. About to land in Orlando and should be ready to roll by period number two…. sending good vibes for a first period lead.
  5. Would be really nice if we could get wins vs. Minnesota and Houston. That would make us 14-8 going into a big showdown against the Bulls.
  6. Getting to watch the final 5 minutes of this one while on a plane to Orlando… should I yell out Magic suck?
  7. It’s much easier to justify 5 hours of sleep on a win rather than a loss. Please win next time!
  8. Well… I wanted OT until we got called for a penalty. Going to take a village to get this win.
  9. Would honestly feel better about getting to OT. Think we can put a better three out there than San Jose.
  10. Sharks are coming hard now… about to see what this team is made of.
  11. There’s been a lot of odd man rushes against us on this road trip… not sure if it’s the time zone or what but we aren’t playing our best hockey right now. Both goalies are giving us a chance though.
  12. Raanta came up huge to get us to the 3rd up 1. The third is usually our period, win the third and win the game.
  13. Sports fans in general are toxic… a lot of Rags fans on HFBoards think TDA is doing well in Carolina because we are a hick franchise and we’re all racist so he fits right in… I think it’s telling that TDA, Shattenkirk, and Pionk have all played better once they got out of NYC.
  14. Sharks coming on hard now. Need Raanta to get us to the third, that seems to be where we shine.
  15. Politics… it’s easier to argue with someone than to ignore them I guess. I don’t care who he votes for. Just do what you are getting paid to do… and he certainly is.
  16. Svech looks like he’s struggling with Staal… On the other hand, Jarvis can play with anyone.
  17. If we get this Antti Raanta then we could be really, really special.
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