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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Will try this week... Combo of busy / not feeling well has been affecting me for a bit.
  2. FYI: Been reported three NFL teams are talking to Chip Kelly about an OC job. Don't think we're one.
  3. Yeah. Theoretically, this structure elevates somebody like Suleiman to a status nearly equal to that of the personnel chief, both reporting to the owner. Not a big fan of that idea.
  4. His background is all in scouting, and mostly in the pro personnel area
  5. A bit of positive (quite possibly wishful) thinking... Given their history, why would anybody really want to coach the Lions? Dan Campbell did. Heck, part of the reason he got the job was because during the interview process he demonstrated to their leadership just how badly he wanted it. A little while back someone asked him why. His answer was that he wanted the challenge. He'd long thought that winning in Detroit would be something that few could accomplish, so being the guy who did would be something special. You have to figure that at least once in their time together, he's mentioned that story to Ben Johnson. Maybe that, plus a desire to return to his hometown team, can make a difference. ... Not something I'd bet on of course, but we can certainly hope
  6. Last two playoff games have been absolutely phenomenal. Hope this one lives up to that standard.
  7. Purely guessing: The Falcons make their decision this week...
  8. Repeating what many of us will be saying over and over until the news hits... "Please just don't screw it up"
  9. I think Johnson is still the prize. Wouldn't want to lose our on the best option just because we're impatient.
  10. Theoretically, one guy handles personnel, the other general team administration, cap, etc. That's been the 49ers model, with Peters being in charge of personnel and Lynch essentially everything else. It's not a bad model as long as you have a true personnel guy handling the roster.
  11. Dave Canales will be available.
  12. Not sure how many remember, but this would be something of a "back to the future" thing for us. Jerry Richardson preferred a power split setup rather than a single GM. And right up till Marty Hurney, that's what we had.
  13. Today's game is showing good things from both OCs
  14. That's potentially scary if they face the 49ers.
  15. Oy FYI: Anyone wanting to continue non news related debates, please do so elsewhere and let's go back to using this thread for NFL news regarding other coaching and GM opportunities.
  16. Hence why I'd rather be patient on Slowik
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