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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Being in a Shanahan offense helps... probably a lot.
  2. I hadn't posted in this since yesterday. Someone else bumped it because McCaffrey's going off right now. "Dwelling on it" for me would be continuously dredging it up as time goes on.
  3. No plans to keep dwelling on it because I agreed with the trade (still do). It is, however, a shining example of how things tend to go in Pantherland
  4. The 49ers weren't willing to trade us their coaching staff.
  5. I would take Josh McCown as a quarterback coach in a heartbeat. Head coach though? He's no more ready for that than Jeff Saturday.
  6. The Colts didn't exactly "get away with" what they pulled.
  7. They were, but I think they may have realized they're not gonna be able to get away with that.
  8. Well, at least you're not married to someone like that
  9. It's not just you. My guess is it's a change in the board software, possibly to save bandwidth.
  10. Pelissero talks about Johnson and the Panthers about 1:20 in and mentions the "dream job" angle... I would guess he's speculating but it's certainly reasonable
  11. Her birthday already happened but we didn't get to celebrate till now because she had the virus
  12. My guess is Kunkel may have gotten it wrong because I haven't been able to verify it anywhere else. But if it were true, whoa
  13. It's related because we're getting ready for Lady Cowboy Fan's birthday party, my grandson is running around and I'm discombobulated
  14. Latest news makes it sound like it's not gonna happen at all. Possible reason... I think that was probably the plan for McDaniels but Belichick screwed him out of other opportunities so that bridge might be burned.
  15. So yeah, we're stuck for the Rooney Rule
  16. I'd have to think Ryans did. You wouldn't make a request then just cancel it.
  17. Maybe we were too, though I'm more and more getting the impression that we didn't try.
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