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Status Updates posted by Dpantherman

  1. She tweeted that there would be no SN today, and that on Thursday, shes a guest host on Regis & Kelly. I asked her if she was for real and she DM'd me she was as shocked as I was. :biggrin:

  2. yea, thats my boo!!! fug Amar'e

  3. Michelle Beadle this Thursday

  4. Im not really into Mac miller, but this beat is killer.

    I need to know what song this samples, all I get is this 'Sufjan Stevens - Vesuvius ' . now I hear that, but it seems like theres another song that this comes from. Like an R&B song or an older rap song. It's killing me.
  5. yea something like that. the beat so mesmerizing though.

  6. yes...and lp. btw im feeling dirty...

  7. your sig...my avatar....somethings got to give

  8. didnt they require you yo take a fine art in college?

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