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Everything posted by lightsout

  1. Bad take. Mac has looked really damn good. Every stat indicates that. Watching him play shows it. Sure he's in a good system in NE, and sure he'd struggle here. I'd argue every QB would struggle here. Hating on Mac is just Pats hate redirected, far as I can tell.
  2. I mean I'm over the NFL as a whole right now. Just not an interesting product. The Panthers sucking is just something I can't watch so I stopped. I'd rather have my Sundays back than watch a Rhule coached Panthers team. Hockey season is all I care about right now besides the CFB national championship tonight
  3. Getting a point there is big. Keeps us in the thick of it in the east and in the Metro. Rest of January doesn't get too much easier. Bruins, Lightning, Knights, and Rangers. Luckily we also get NJ twice and Columbus and Philly. So we just have to keep the nose to the grindstone.
  4. I don't think it's that lopsided. We're still just a hair sloppy. Think we're pressing a bit with Lyon in net. Gotta chill and keep pucks.
  5. We'll sort it out. We have to find ways to keep the puck in their end. Would be big to get these two points with the Rangers playing Anaheim tonight.
  6. I think it's because I'm Charlotte market. One says tennis, the other is the Hornets game. But where it says tennis it's the Canes. Meh.
  7. Spectrum lied. Said on the guide it was tennis. Lame. Lol. Watching on my phone until my son goes to sleep anyway because Puppy Dog Pals is on and if I change it now he wont be in bed before 9 lol
  8. Can somebody explain why Bally isn't showing this on tv for me? Is it another ESPN+ game?
  9. Staal is gonna be out. At this point, his production is replaceable and his contract would be too heavy when we can pay the other guys on the roster. His value is purely leadership and experience here. He'll go to a team in need of a solid vet 3rd line center and give some solid play for a couple years before hanging it up. I'll be sad to see him go, but it's time I think.
  10. Sam and Cam can each still be good NFL QBs. Talent is there for both. Cam can't play on this team with this OL. No QB can. But given an OL that can get push in the run game and pass protect, with pass designs that actually get guys open like a normal offense, he'd do well enough. I really do believe it. Sam has the arm talent. Argue with me all you want, it's true. He needs a sports psychologist. That's the truth. He has some anxieties that absolutely inhibit his play. The brain controls the body, he can't possibly play well if he can't settle his mind down and go through his progressions smoothly while not panicking. Those first three games were great for Sam. I think he started showing some real confidence. It's easy to forget and wave away as being bad teams, but that's precisely the point. He was playing as well as anybody could hope and exceeding expectations. Then the OL got figured out by DCs and pressure started really coming. And our offense as a whole started struggling worse and worse. Sam fell apart and here we are. I don't think it is as simple as he played well against bad teams and got exposed. I think he got fuged up by the fact that he was in this situation in NY and got here and it seemed better for a month before becoming what he feared most. A team with an OL that can't protect him and the paralysis by analysis where he can't focus on what he is supposed to do. It's not unfixable, but it is a hindrance he has and a big one. I don't think we need to keep him and hope we can get him right. This team has far too many problems to invest into that sort of project. But somebody likely will and if they can get his head right, he will be a solid middle tier QB for at least a few seasons somewhere.
  11. While this is comically bad execution on Sam's part, let's consider something. The 5 guys in front have shown all season that they themselves are 5 reasons for any QB to be scared. Then you have the fact that this is a play where the bad OL is going to intentionally not keep off the pass rush with the fact that the screen wasn't even really open. While I don't excuse it....I get it. Kudos to all 3 of our QBs for snapping the ball at all honestly.
  12. Wouldn't say that. He stuck in and then bailed once that clock went off and a DL was getting off a block. There's tons to criticize him for, we don't need to view him breaking the pocket (as he should do at times) as him being scared.
  13. Also the balls we have to constantly challenge the puck 2-on-1, whether on the pk or not, that level of aggression in our own end, and then to play a high forward in their end is just not easy to do for a full season. Constant pressure. Few teams seem to be able to stand to it for a full game and it shows.
  14. 7 unanswered goals is no easy feat. That third period was straight electrifying. This team is so well coached that its insane. Lorentz had a day. Seth Jarvis showed again how much value he can bring. Ethan Bear's goal was nice. Just a ton of great young talent. We are spoiled.
  15. I get that there's no reason to fire him before seasons end. I get that you let him finish the season out. January 10, I want this place to be talking about how happy we are Rhule is gone and who we think we'll bring in.
  16. Rodney Dangerfield, Loni Anderson and John Madden in the same commercial? I was born a few years too late.
  17. We all have our own thoughts feelings and opinions on having RBs split carries and having QBs split snaps in regular season games and they all have their merits (by which I mean the former is good and the latter is bad and if you think otherwise, you're wrong). But what about we take it to the next level. Let's revolutionize the way teams function. Let's trailblaze and show the world of football what the game is to be in the future, today. Two Head Coach System. You keep one that has a bunch of really shitty ideas, right? Let him have free range to come up with whatever. Then you have a good head coach and his role is to say "sit down and shut up" to the shitty coach. This lets you have numerous ideas so you can determine how shitty the bad ideas are so you know to never do them. See you boys in the future! *This post brought to you by Miller Lite.
  18. Won't be able to tell how shitty that is gonna be over the sound of Canes hockey being back tomorrow night and Saturday afternoon
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