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About d-dave

  • Birthday 01/26/1980

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  1. Got to be patient. Bryce needs this season to show if he can be the guy or not. Having Canales' system seems to have worked out for some other QBs. We will just have to see. I'm not a huge fan of painting Bryce a bust in before training camp starts. If the 2025 season ends and he's not looking like the leader the team needs, then it's time to find a new QB. I know some of y'all are going to pile on him for not being perfect in preseason games, or making mistakes. Short of becoming the best QB in the NFL this season, some of you will never be happy. We're stuck in the offseason with many unknowns, with nothing else to discuss after one of the worst seasons by any team in the NFL... Sucks to be us, that's for sure!
  2. This place is hilarious. Huddle, Keep on Huddling! I'm looking forward to seeing what the team does this season. Am I expecting one extreme or another? No. Somewhere in the low middle of expectations. You just have to look at the business of the NFL and media. There's a reason there's a ton of pressers during OTAs and mini camp because it sells clicks. Just don't read it if it sets you off. So whatever. Let's see how things go. My hope is that the Panthers are better, Bryce is better, our new additions make plays, and we can be hopeful for the future.
  3. I think some of y'all would be thrilled if the Panthers ceased to exist as a team... The Panthers aren't going to move. The City won't let that happen. It's too much of a shiny bauble for Charlotte to let go of for nothing.
  4. I think some of y'all would be thrilled if the Panthers ceased to exist as a team... The Panthers aren't going to move. The City won't let that happen. It's too much of a shiny bauble for Charlotte to let go of for nothing.
  5. The more he stays out of the spotlight the better!
  6. @Dingo_ate_Babies, using the Special Olympics as the butt of a joke is not a good look for anyone. Typically people who punch down, especially down on people who can't make a comeback, have something missing in their lives. I'm not going to judge you, but the words aren't a good look for someone who is so successful in their personal life. As far as working out two of the best WRs in the UFL, why the heck not! Sometimes guys need some extra development. Butler was a 2nd round pick who didn't pan out in the NFL. But he looks better in the UFL. Who knows, not going to hurt anyone to try them out and see what happens.
  7. So what are "the people" paying for when they give money to a rich dude for a sports ball situation? The brand and prestige of a sports ball team. It's the hallmark of a big city to be able to do that. There is a pretty terrible ROI on public dollars into private enterprise, period. But governments continue to do it for the image associated with it. Since I live outside of CharMeck, it doesn't affect me much. I love my Panthers. They have been part of my life since they announced the team in the early 90s. My parent's names are on one of those Panther statues. Some of my best memories with my family and friends come from that stadium. But on the flip side, could CMS use the $650 million? What about public housing? Streets? Parks & Rec? There are a lot of other places that $650 million could go. But in our modern society, I bet that after much hemming and hawing, the money will come. Areas of the budget will suffer. Some taxes will increase, but that's how things work in our society. Charlotte is not willing to lose the Panthers.
  8. I'm not as completely down at @mrcompletely11, but I'm also realistic. OTAs are teaching days and practice days. It's not even real practice. It's all in shorts and tee shirts. Here's my number 1 priority: stay healthy. Then learn what the coaches want and work on the execution. That's what has to be done. Just stay healthy. I don't care if Ian Thomas looks like the next great thing at TE in shorts and tee shirts. Show it in September. It's nice that Bryce threw a 40 yard TD pass to AT. Now do it when it matters guys. That's it, put up or shut up. Though I will enjoy things because that's just kind of where I am
  9. Great point. We have tried several options at coaching. Let's see what our own young, hotshot, OC guy does. As far as his pressers, I'm not a huge fan of the super duper religious people who have to insert God and Jesus into everything. Despite his faith, I haven't heard that much in his media stuff for the team which I'm fine with. Just a very personal thing to me. So for me, that's a good thing. When we hired Canales, someone in the media sphere said that we hired the right guy a year or two early. So what that tells me is that we need to be patient with Canales. Hopefully Tepper is and we can see what he's able to do. Then again, Tepper has proven himself to be mercurial and will burn cash to get what he wants. The reality is that the NFL does require a bit of seasoning on new things before you can make a final determination. Hopefully he's willing to give Canales 3 years to see what we have.
  10. Chris Donnelly made a great point about Bryce being so polarizing. It sucks, but that's just how it is. We need to start winning, and Bryce needs to play well. Otherwise, it doesn't matter. Just Huddle going Huddle...
  11. This is a good starting point: https://coveragemap.com/cell-phone-coverage/north-carolina/ So here's the main idea of an NVMO is that you're a 2nd tier customer. It's not that bad. So I'm on Spectrum Mobile which is an NVMO for Verizon. My coverage is all Verizon. The difference is that a normal Verizon customer is going to get the preferential data versus me. (Please correct me if I'm wrong). NVMO buy up extra data from the big carriers (for super cheap) and repackage it to customers at a discount. I've had no issue with coverage or speeds. The only down side is Verizon doesn't penetrate buildings and walls well... Otherwise I'm pretty happy with what I'm paying and the otherwise rock solid coverage.
  12. I don't even need to know anything; we're going 17~0!!! Right??!!!???!!! (Hilarious, I know) Consider this, if we win 4 games, that's a 100% improvement. Not too shabby for a first year HC. So I guess we'll probably win 5 or 6 games this year as my best guesstimate. Why that? Well, in the NFL, anything can happen. We'll have some hard fought victories as well as a surprise win. Not sure where that comes from, but we had all the bad luck last year. Hopefully we'll get a return to normal. Most importantly, I want us to know at the end of the season if Bryce Young is the guy or a guy.
  13. The problem that Bryce faces is his lack of prototypical tools. He's not the tall, strong armed mobile QB that tends to get drafted first overall. His game is not played in underwear on a practice field. His best asset are his intangibles. They aren't sexy like a cannon arm or a fast 40 yard dash. OK, so we took the lesser athlete. Bryce put up a pretty bad season with a bad team around him. The coaching staff, for all it's platitudes, sucked. They made sure Bryce could run a huddle, but didn't help him get better as a player. Bad choice. Compare that to what other teams did to their Rookies: they put them in position to succeed with better personnel and better play calling. Sure, there are physical differences which are going to affect the outcomes, but you can't change it. Am I trying to ride to the defense of Bryce? Only a little. He's my favorite team's QB, and I believe in him. Now, he's got this year to show that he's "the No. 1 for a reason" (Thanks CJ Stroud). Will he, won't he? I don't know at all. That's on the D&D crew to put Bryce is position to play well. Running the ball is going to make things a lot easier for Bryce. Does that discount his success if he plays well? For some of y'all it will. Some of y'all just don't like Bryce, like he stole you DoorDash or something. Regardless, let's see what happens in 2024. If Bryce stinks it up, then we're going back to the QB well again.
  14. NFL 2k I think was peak fun football video game for me. I played Madden a few times on game pass, and I wasn't really enjoying it. It's just not my cup of tea anymore. Now give me some techno superbowl! Four curls, hit the TE, and turbo your way to 90 point games But as far as gaming goes, they want the super star appeal more than anything No matter the team, you're probably going to gravitate to similar plays based on how you like to play. I have some students who are obsessed with Madden, but it seems to me that they don't care about the content of the plays, but the team and players.
  15. The more I hear him talk about football and players, the more excited I am about the season. It doesn't guarantee anything of courses, but Canales feels like he COULD be the guy we've been looking for. Nothing is proven right now, but man, he SEEMS like he COULD be the GUY...
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