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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Tend to agree. Deep pool and WR is very weak for us.
  2. Technically Wilks would be considered a new hire.
  3. This process is very much longer than the last already. I also believe the only remaining candidate we have been linked to in the playoffs(that hasn't declined our interview request) is Shane Steichen. But he has also already interviewed with us.
  4. You are getting to this mountain via several levels of pure speculation. Just.....chill. Try and remain calm. Let the coaching search play out before we try and speculate about free agency and then the 2023 draft and then the offseason and then the preseason and then the regular season and then the postseason and then the 2024 offseason and then we can finally get to 2024 draft speculation.
  5. I think we have more waiting to do, unfortunately. I can't say I am upset that they are taking their time with this process considering what a disaster the last coach hiring process was. It is tough as a fan to be in this limbo where you really can't plan or effectively speculate on the offseason until this gets resolved.
  6. I think he probably wanted complete control in New Orleans too. You can get that impression with some of his interviews about specific things that happened while he was in New Orleans. I doubt he is willing to come back unless he can shape the front offices the way he wants them.
  7. I would highly doubt it is about money. More likely power.
  8. No one feels persecuted. You are just making a mountain out of something less than a molehill. More like a tiny ant hill. None of this has happened. None of it is likely to happen. Also both of those guys probably aren't going to end up being the caliber of prospect that you think they will be. Probably won't end up on the Saints either. It's a lot of worrying about very little at the moment.
  9. This entire saga seems very contrived. I don't think these teams are as interested as the Payton rumor mill machine makes them out to be. I also suspect he is basically asking for the keys to the franchise ala Jim Harbaugh.
  10. You aren't reading what I said correctly. I said take all those scouting reports about freshman and sophomores with a grain of salt. More like a grain silo of salt. It's based on very limited inputs(not a lot of film) and those evaluations are going to progress as the careers of those players progress. For every Trevor Lawrence or Andrew Luck there are dozens of Spencer Rattlers, who don't improve or get worse and all that early luster fades away very, very quickly. That's basically what happened to almost the entire 2022 QB class for a recent example. So, yes....it is WAY too early to be calling shots on Maye or Williams. They very well may end up being the next big thing but they also might end up being the next Sam Howell, a guy that had all KINDS of hype due to early career success but he just didn't really improve his NFL skills because he wasn't at a place that develops QB's well at all(hence why EVERYONE should be wary of Maye). Also, most of the people weighing in on these guys are media bobbleheads and amateur analysts. Doesn't make their opinions worthless but they aren't going to tend to hold as much weight as actual professional NFL scouts. That's why we see some stark disparities every single draft season between the "media draft stock" and the actual position that a lot of these guys are drafted. TLDR: just chill on the super young college QB hype. Let that play out and we will see what happens.
  11. If you look at the destinations and evaluate them logically.....there is nothing particularly great about any of these options. The Broncos MAY have a QB or they may have a guy that has gotten exposed now that he left Seattle. Plus that includes the fact that they trade a bunch of draft capital away to get him. We are in QB purgatory with very little chance of resolving that easily or cheaply. Not to mention that while we have talent, there are literally almost no players in our core that have even experienced a winning season. Go around the league and aside from maybe Arizona, there aren't a lot of "ready made" winning situations. These are a lot of fix'er uppers. So...what's the rush? Why would there be a rush on his part? That's the thing that doesn't logically track for me. Unless he is just chomping at the bit to get back to the NFL(in which case I don't think he would have retired anyway) then he has the benefit of waiting until his ideal scenario presents itself.
  12. Anyone who has paid attention to scouting over the past 30+ years should take all "next great QB prospects" with a grain of salt. Especially freshmen and sophomores. This story has been played out time and time again.
  13. John Ellis did sort of lightly suggest on the most recent Roar podcast that there is definitely some FO personnel nervousness over Sean Payton wanting to potentially clean house. Didn't mention any specific names, obviously.
  14. Not a shred of inside info. Outside of being a season ticket holder, I know not a single person inside that building personally.
  15. I am not 100% convinced he is married to returning to coaching this offseason.
  16. As leaky as our organization is, I would expect that to be in the press quickly. One would wonder if that would lead to the cancelation of the Denver interview, as well. That would be a dead giveaway. I think the Payton process is going to be dragged out. There is no real rush on his part because he also has the option to spurn all the suitors and wait for a better deal next cycle.
  17. I am curious to see who makes the cut if second round interviews are in order. Also curious to see if any of our interviewees get poached by the time we make our decision. Whether they were in serious consideration here or not. That is another interesting question that could be asked. Where in the order of available open positions will we fill our coaching vacancy?
  18. No one actually believes this. I get that you are committed to this troll job but you don't have anyone convinced. There isn't anyone dumb enough to believe Sam Darnold has any shot at being a top 12 QB. Not even in the XFL.
  19. I mean, I think any competent HC candidate should already have a list of guys they know or guys they want. Remember 100% of the football knowledge is with the new HC's. Tepper and Fitt's actual football knowledge is next to nothing. I am not familiar with any HC hiring process being run in that manner. I don't think that is going to work very well at all. It could be a good landing spot for a coach if we have a clear plan at how to improve at QB. I think the biggest question is whether we are going to be able to attract a candidate because of Tepper and the QB situation. If we end up being spurned by most candidates, I think the problem is obvious and just simply not something that is able to be fixed. If we are able to get a good candidate hired, we can go about the business of figuring out the QB situation(among other offseason issues). It's extremely difficult to make any future personnel plans with no coaching staff.
  20. TBH, I think the tell is that they might be keeping Wilks. There is absolutely no logic or reasoning behind interviewing a DC candidate without the head coach being involved. I couldn't think of a bigger red flag as a prospective HC candidate than the idea of a DC being forced on me.
  21. We are so focused on the coaching search that we have already been interviewing defensive coordinators without a head coach in place!
  22. Lance also looked better through the equivalent amount of games played than Fields did. Now Fields appears to actually be a dude. I am all for trading for Lance for a 2nd or lower draft pick. It's likely a far better option than we could draft with those picks. However, we would still need a GOOD veteran(as in not Sam Darnold). Lance may not be 100% ready for prime time and he also can't stay healthy. Corral well.....I mean...only the most "special" of our posters believes in that fantasy.
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