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About RumHam

  • Birthday 09/04/1982

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  1. while i'm in line to hop back on the train, there were five deep passes that weren't even close.
  2. the one drop was bad as he tried to catch it with his chest rather than his hands. even i knew this seeing where the pass was coming. hopefully some coaching will do it. it's not like he's stubborn, hes willing and that's important.
  3. yeah i didn't stress b/c i turned it off and lost faith in the team. Give me getting screwed over by officials over there. Point is next year. We can still win out and may get lucky to get in. Past two games we have not converted in the red zone and something not going our way.
  4. he's already twice the receiver Mingo was.
  5. bring him in to fix whatever QB we have, just don't let him make personnel decisions.
  6. get ready for two carries late in the fourth that leads to a TD when we're down 54. Panthers Twitter BRYCE IS HIM PANTHERS LOSE 57-10
  7. bryce up son is actually taking a bunch of migraine medicine.
  8. corbett keeps getting hurt. it's time for brady to take the thrown and not be the franchise LT yall somehow thought he'd be. rhule was right.
  9. wait, i was told he was cooking.... this fanbase, man.
  10. Everyone on defense is expendable outside of Brown (which he may never recover), Woods and Horn. The young linebacker we have needs to be here. But the rest of the front seven can literally go. We shouldn't be running three down lineman. IT DOESN'T WORK. At least the offensive line is mostly fine. Thomas needs to sit on the side of the road and Sanders be #1 for experience. Mingo can go, Carter can stay, Miles Sanders SHOULD NEVER SEE THE FIELD. This organization needs to plan for the future and those looking for a trade now to fix everything, it isn't happening. Usually trading for WR midseason never works out. But if we can get someone to take Sanders and absorb the contract, that should be the #1 goal. Chuba needs to absolutely stay as does Dionte.
  11. lol no. we already have that guy on the team. We need to pay for a proven veteran, someone like a cousins. we need someone with arm strength and good decision making. even flacco would be an upgrade. Dalton was fine until he was tasked with coming from behind.
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