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Mother Grabber

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Everything posted by Mother Grabber

  1. just delete them all, and make a new one...
  2. chew chew chew...clap clap clap *whew* I'm beat.
  3. I'd say I burn a good 2-3K calories a day just by chewing gum.
  4. if they didn't want me to, they'd make the walls go all the way to the ceiling.
  5. I'll be they don't have to worry about some stupid ass HOA telling them what fugging color to paint their front fugging door.
  6. yes, but that's a platform. Asus is a cheap windoze box. I've never heard anyone refer to their PC by it's manufacturer.
  7. has anyone actually ever referred to their Asus laptop by it's brand name?
  8. posting disease and spider pics should be an instant bant.
  9. I been close this a number of times myself...especially when in a college town as the students are returning at the end of the summer. sweet caroline!
  10. was that Fat Alice who fell down in the ring?
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