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Darth Biscuit

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Status Updates posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. I am teh tittay master... baiter... :D

  2. I know you like me better. :Dbouncing-boobs.gif

  3. I don't have boobs... :mad:

  4. I'm not worried, I'm pissed at her... you shoulda got it last week... it's like talking to a damn wall.

  5. Vote for me for mod Mmmm! :D

  6. Thanks man, did the job in E-town not work out?

  7. How's that work? Sounds weird... I'm in Wilmington... live near Monkey Junction.

  8. Hey man... after all the sh*t you gave me in the first thread... you gonna vote for me to make up for it. :lol:

  9. Go back and read the thread dude... u started it, Jangler replied between u and him and then u said something about his wife... that's across the line. I don't like it so I negged u. Grow up.

  10. I know u are... don't ruin it by explaining it dumbass... :P

  11. This is apparently what the rep deal is... http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=2147483647 Look in your userCP at the rep #.

  12. How'd you hit me twice in one day? Weird.

  13. U let Salty talk you into voting for him... damnit. :(

  14. Yeah, I like it... did u see my post in that thread?

  15. My new av is Denise Milani.

  16. :lol: You likey Ms. Lindsay huh?
  17. I'm curious as to why you have neg rep after only one week.

  18. I haven't played since we played last Tuesday at Cape Fear National... we have a tee time at 4:12 today at Wilmington Muni, I'll probably just walk nine. I hurt my shoulder last week and it's been bothering me... when I'm playing regular, I can usually shoot 40-42 on nine at Muni... just depends... I need to play more... :rolleyes:

  19. I really don't know why I'm bothering but here goes... you are either just stupid or don't understand what I'm saying... I will give you the benefit of the doubt... if u want to talk sh*t to or about someone on here in threads, then have at it. What Jangler said, he said to you... you took it too far by saying something about his wife. If you can't see the difference between then stupid it is. It's cool that you have no use for me or "people like me" even though you know nothing about me, I couldn't care less... but if you continue to talk sh*t about people's families I will continue to neg you. Neg me back all you want and we'll see who gets to zero first. Seriously IRL if someone said something to you that you didn't like would you immediately say something about their wife? If so I hope you get what you deserve.

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