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Status Updates posted by PanthaSan

  1. I am liking Hayden's O-face.....

  2. Way cool. I won some money, not a whole lot but enough to finance the whole trip. Got really drunk, spanked by a German Wench, stole some towels, you know, the usual stuff, lol. It was a good time. We pretty much stayed off the strip and gambled at the Hard Rock and spent some time at the state line.

  3. :lol: Just playing. I really don't care much for rap but there are a few I enjoy more for the music than the lyrics. I was around when it started with NWA and all the other wanna be's kinda burned me out....
  4. You and me both, Brother! I tried watching a CFL game and it just wasn't the same. So, what did you decide about Hawaii? Was that a PCS? TDY?

  5. Yeah it is fun. Vegas is about 4.5 hours from my house. I'm not a big gambler but this trip I started with $40 and won about $480.00 total. When my 2nd daughter ws in cheer and winterguard, the regionals are always held in Vegas so we would be there twice a year and then my softball tournaments added another 2 to 3 visits /year. Funny thing, on the way there, my buddy got on the wrong freeway. He got on the one we take to visit friends in Havasu City, AZ (I-40) and I noticed a sign that said the freeway ends in Wilmington, NC from Barstow CA. Too funny. I immediately thought to myself, "hey I can go pick up biscuit and we can go help ourselves to some of KK's homebrew."

  6. Dude! The new sig rocks! Who is it?

  7. Yeah, go figure. Maybe when I get a chance we can get together. Mama-San loves the Cam outlets and I can't stand to stand around watching her spend large sums of money, lol.

  8. You likey? I found her indirectly from a link of your avvy's. Big Melons!!

  9. Hey Bro. Is Carolina Girl your gf? I figure it's either that or your Pimped-Ness-edness travels really good on the interwebz :D

  10. Hey a fellow West Coaster...

  11. Nice avvie. Is it Hayden approved?

  12. Thanks. And to think, until now I thought the french were useless and needed baths...

  13. We go to the beach about 4 to 5 times a year or more if we go visit friends. I grew up in Ventura and my first house I bought was on the beach. Sure wish I kept it. Ventura has a South facing beach so the waves are pretty good there. We are about 1.5 hours from the coast so it can be a day trip on a whim. The water is cold but I only wore a summer suit in winter time when I surfed.

  14. "nice guys"? Why would you lie to your Mrs. like that, lol. Ok, maybe she could get aholt to boo or LIAG to get some pointers on dealing with the idiots. :lol:

  15. Dude, who negged you? Why? Geez either they are really slow or finally found the neg button, :lol:

  16. :lol: I just realized that I never 'friended" your new Username. Maybe it was a Freudian Slip?
  17. :lol: Hey, it's just a small price to pay for showing faith to "Ze Fazerland."....:D Yeah, I agree, some folks take things a bit serious. But, in your defense, they asked....
  18. :lol: I just saw that "bring it" movie again and I was wondering how long you would be in the hospital afterwards if you ever hooked up. She is very athletic.....:D
  19. I think you misunderstand my Morgan pic. I put it up as a tribute. He was/is one of my very fav players and that pic reminds me that he always played full out regarless of injury or pain. He left it all on the field and if he wasn't so prone to concussions, would have easily been a true great like Sam Mills...

  20. Hey Hawk. Vegas was, well Vegas, :lol: I am copying my msg to biscuit cuz I am feeling lazy.... Way cool. I won some money, not a whole lot but enough to finance the whole trip. Got really drunk, spanked by a German Wench, stole some towels, you know, the usual stuff, lol. It was a good time. We pretty much stayed off the strip and gambled at the Hard Rock and spent some time at the state line.

  21. Nice avvy and title....

  22. Yeah, it's about 4.5 hours from my house.

  23. How's this? Better?

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