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Status Updates posted by PanthaSan

  1. I saw them about 5 years ago before they were popular (as RA) opening for Bad Religion (another one of my favs from back in the 80's). I knew instantly that they were gonna make it big. In Vegas, it was reversed, BR opened for RA. Really good show but honestly, BR could have phoned it in and it would be the same as their lackluster performance. They didn't even break a sweat anddidn't play any of their punk standards. Trivia: Rise Against was born from the ashes of another totally awesome Chicago band, 88 Fingers Louie. Check them out sometime.

  2. It is a "baby" Giant Black Sea Bass. I was fishing near one of the Channel islands off the coast of California (can't remember if it was Santa Cruz or Anacapa. They grow to be pretty huge and I've seen an 8 footer once while scuba diving. They are protected so I had to let him go..

  3. Keep up the good work!

  4. Thanx, Merry Christmas to you too!!

  5. Hey buddy. This was made by a friend who is in the CG and I thought you might get a kick out of it. Next season is San Diego. If you and the fam can make it out to my location, you guys can ride with us down. cgwhatido.jpg

  6. Hey Mike, I just realized that you are in the land of Chico's Tacos. Dayum, I miss those. I keep trying to reverse engineer them with no luck, lol.

  7. Sure, I'll join in a sec...

  8. :lol: I was looking at the very same thing cept it was MamaSan trying to make me feel better.
  9. Dude! That was totally rebellious! Kudos! Most of the Mods are back East so it might last until 4 AM our time. Hawk is on but it might just be his 'puder.

  10. :lol: Yeah I found it after some very extensive searching on the web. :D Thanks, again!
  11. Hey Buddy. Sounds like the healing is conmming along. How long til you are ready to swing the sticks?

  12. Hey buddy, I tried to get you to 3 mil but fell short. you should be up there with one more +Rep. BTW, the baby is getting cuter and cuter. She rolls, huh? Next crawling and then everything gets real fun :lol:

  13. Ok. Duuuuude, it was hard as hell getting those puppies to fit, :lol:

  14. :lol: I will look it up. I miss out on all the fun because I hardly get a chance to log on after work and weekends. Too many things to do around the house and after the kiddies are asleep, it's me and Mama time. Maybe if I get her to create a user acount....:D
  15. "Beacause Biscuit said so"?....pushover!

  16. Long time ago. My 1st ex and oldest still live there. I was there in early 80's at Ft. Bliss. Used to escort the nuke Nike Hercules warheads from host countries and went there to learn what NOT to do with the nuclear warhead, :lol:. I guess it's a Mech post now. Then was back in about 83 to learn about the Stinger Missle System so we could deliver them to the Muj in A-Stan back when we "were not there." I was basically a gunman for the JSOC. How did you end up there?

  17. Hey buddy. Where ya been? Were you trying out some new shackles? Maybe apron shopping? :D Getting nervous about the upcoming nuptials?

  18. Jsut got done reading, so you are Matt Moore! I thought you were John Fox's nephew. Can you be both, :lol: Looks like I missed a good time.

  19. I totally remember BAAF! That's where they would hide us out until we went for a trip. I think it was the 4/1 ADA that was always out there. Could tell ya a story when one of our guys snuck off to Main Post, got drunk at the All Grades Club. Ended up drunk and lost in Officer's housing, tore a screen door off of a house and accused the occupant of lying and got arrested, LMAO! When we were there, they wanted us to eat at Main Post so the Brass can eat with the Delta Boys. I go to visit my daughter once in a long while but now it's cheaper to fly her out here. Thanks for your service and tell White Sands Hi for me. Coast Guard? Aren't you a little far from the beach? Well, at least the beach with water, :lol:

  20. LOL. Shouldn't you be crashing a plant somewhere? If you make it back, we leave at 10.

  21. Ok, I did it. Bruce is well above 1 mil.

  22. Hey Man. How's it all going? Still on the Hill?

  23. Bant? For what? Well, have a safe honeymoon and congrats on the nuptials!

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