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Everything posted by Shocker

  1. This is extremely disappointing but he got his 30 per we weren’t willing to do. Terrible return
  2. Not gonna lie…worried as fug about the compensation
  3. Holy shet that contract Cousin received is insane! That man knows how to get paid.
  4. Yeah, I was thinking next years would maybe be higher and replace the one we sent to da Bears
  5. I would probably take that…would want their top 2nd this year and their second next draft
  6. Agreed and I would be stoked about this as well. Burns wants 30+ which is too rich for my blood
  7. I would have done this trade if he wasn’t making 12 mil this season. No thanks
  8. Not even sure this would be even possible. Saquon isn’t coming here. Trey Benson from FSU ran a 4.39 at the combine at 217 Ibs…just saying
  9. With no cap room we should honestly focus on drafting well. We aren’t righting this ship this offseason
  10. Not a big surprise but another hole to fill now
  11. This shat is ridiculous. How is that not a foul on Flip? Please explain
  12. RJ did not touch him…smh. I hate this side of basketball.
  13. Let’s watch this…watch…Duke will get every touch foul and UNC will get nothing. It’s coming
  14. These refs are terrible tonight. Clearly keeping Duke in this game. So obvious. So frustrating
  15. Duke is getting serious ref help here. Flip is touched and it’s a foul. First half no foul calls. I hate when the refs completely change mid game
  16. Prime time Teddy Valentine warning Flip for that obvious trip. Should have been a tech. Nothing called
  17. Would definitely prefer to trade Burns for picks in this draft and not in 25. Much deeper draft here. Early second at worse to start. Can’t give him away. Otherwise just play him on the tag
  18. I have been trying to find this…thanks for posting
  19. I mean Jaden Daniels was great under his tutelage. Thanks for the post @TheSpecialJuan probably would’ve missed it
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