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Everything posted by Shocker

  1. Exactly cuz great DEs are just hanging around waiting for a call. WTF are we thinking
  2. South Sudan absolutely should have won that game. Team USAs defense needs serious work
  3. Just hoping for a little improvement but not expecting a lot to be honest
  4. Phantom Zone last I saw
  5. I doubt anyone here cares but they also stream a lot of Premier League soccer matches on Peacock It is a pretty great deal. Thanks for posting OP SNF schedule here: https://www.peacocktv.com/sports/nfl
  6. Probably doesn’t make the final cuts
  7. Julius Peppers was the best (and probably easiest) draft pick this franchise ever made. What a great person this man is as well. One of the best to do it
  8. I must have been watching another team. The OL last season almost got Bryce killed
  9. He reportedly wanted 30per settling at 25 isn’t terrible. Miles is a great player and glad the player is back. Hopefully he has learned from his horrible mistakes and improves as a person.
  10. I think we should absolutely bring him back. Hopefully he can be realistic on the money. Before this horrible thing he did he was a fringe all star player. Also, outside of the suspension he plays. He hasn’t been injured much. I keep him. This dude has had 40+ pt games and can play 3 or 4.
  11. Nice career Kemba. Enjoy the good times
  12. I would guess fans want more of a splash move in free agency. I like the move but it’s fairly clear that we aren’t a desired destination for better FAs
  13. I will go with 8-9, I think Bryce will be much improved with the new weapons. Still a ways to go talent wise on the team though
  14. Oh definitely agree there. The Cowboys are literally 50% or more of the talk NFL wise.
  15. LeBron is great obviously but ESPN stopping all the talk and cutting over to the pick is annoying as hell. LeBron and the Lakers in general get their asses kissed more than any team in the NBA. I am fine with that bugging me.
  16. He is an ascending player who got better each year. Add that he started college at giant killer Chaminade and there is so good mojo there
  17. Apparently the Spurs at 8 targeted Salaun and promptly traded that pick when we took him. I mean they have drafted well in the past so they obviously saw something too. That’s what I have for positive spins. Hope he works out.
  18. Did Dalton Knecht rob a bank or something?
  19. I can’t for the life of me figure out how our decision makers can be this bad. So fuggin dumb
  20. Link? I don’t like this pick personally. Raw as hell. I hate myself for pulling for the Hornets
  21. They will be good but Boston is loaded too obviously
  22. Wait…the Knicks traded 5 firsts and a second for Mikel Bridges? He is good but has never been an all star. Damn that’s expensive
  23. At least we aren’t Piston fans…but yeah it’s rigged bulls#it
  24. That would be so Hornets
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