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Everything posted by CRA

  1. I am pretty sure he named the 3 worst places in America.....and was merely pulling a watered down variation of it will all just disappear. All the numbers are bad. Pence wasn't basing that on facts. It was based on hope.
  2. a new day in the Carolinas....so you know what that means. SC with a new record high in hospitalizations. Another new record high. 1404. SC also logging the highest one day death total of 38. NC also reporting and setting a new record high of hospitalizations at 994. We haven't peaked. Heck, our leaders gave up. America is basically that dumb dog meme in the house that is on fire.....as we approach fall and the up and coming flu season.
  3. that is basically a list of some of the states that are getting worse and most of the ones you listed have been posting record bad numbers for weeks. You can't be "getting better" until you stop setting your own records every day.
  4. 23 states show hospitalizations going up https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/07/06/coronavirus-hospitalizations-grow-in-more-than-20-states-as-texas-admissions-soar-to-new-record.html SC sets hospitalization high NC sets hospitalization high
  5. NC today set a record high for hospitalizations today too. Alabama, Texas, AZ, etc. and those are just record highs logging in. Lot of states are seeing increases in hospitalizations.
  6. Specifically what numbers do you want? Internet clearly works at your house. Hospitalizations in SC as of today's reporting by DHEC is 1,324. Which again, is a new record high, set today.
  7. DHEC reports the cases, hospitalizations, deaths, age, etc every single afternoon. Weekends included. What do you want a list of?
  8. Hospitalizations are up in SC. All time high. Has been a steady march north. Biggest numbers since the pandemic arrived. This same things applies to many states all over the map. we (the US) botched this entire thing from the beginning. Now we are in a window where any path is horrible. Every leader opted to make it political. All sides. We aren't a super power. We simply have a lot of guns/military might. We are joke come crunch time. Nation (again, both sides) is also full of idiots that ignore science, education and facts....and prefer poop on Facebook, twitter, and talking political heads.
  9. not sure it is really outlined. most reporting just says it takes weeks (around 3) from diagnosis to death/recovery.
  10. hospitalizations are going up in SC hopefully the pattern doesn't hold. But generally cases/spread goes up (saw that). Now hospitalizations are going up. Then the death count generally follows.
  11. and SC just broke yesterday's record number again today
  12. next 2-3 weeks will likely show what the increase in numbers really means and how it will impact things going forward. we have a clear cut rise in numbers in a lot of places. that alone isn't actually a bad thing. We were doing bad and little testing. People can finally get testing. Which is good. South Carolina is perfect example of this increase in COVID. Record breaking nearly every other day for the last 1-2 weeks. But testing is finally relatively easy to get vs prior months. So in the next 2-3 weeks could show that we simply are widely testing now. High COVID numbers but no signification increase in hospitalization or deaths. Or the next 2-3 weeks will show a real increase in hospitalization and death. If the next few weeks show increased hospitalization and death? Well, that is going to most likely greatly impact us backwards. If we get high COVID numbers and no real increase in death and hospitalization in the upcoming weeks...that will be good. We can continue the march to some sort of normalcy.
  13. could be overrun in the near future in several states. Hospitalizations are trending up in many states. Some of it is people getting into the hospitals finally for non-COVID stuff but beds are beds. Next 2-3 weeks will tell the story really on how the rest of the year plays out IMO.
  14. Antibody test isn’t accurate enough yet.
  15. the SEC dominating as usual. Ain't no one better.
  16. yeah, bar graphs are much neater IMO. Hopefully SC trends back down. I suspect schools will be making more concrete decisions first of July and would prefer the numbers look much better than today when they make their decision. I take COVID very serious. But we have to take into account the kids are largely not impacted at all (well we don't know the long term aspect if it has an impact). But staying home especially for the younger ones isn't healthy. We as a society need to put an emphasis on protecting the vulnerable population. But that does get tricky and hard for those that live in multigenerational homes when the kids go back.
  17. SC was last at the 6 deaths per day back in mid April. https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america/south-carolina at least per the site the government continues to use (2nd chart) hope it does go down but with the cases trending up, positivity rate (more importantly) trending up....I would assume the death will go that way too in the upcoming weeks. I agree 25 seems too high but I think the overall trend of the graph is likely right. wish people would stop calling this a second wave though. this is still the first wave IMO.
  18. daily death projections for SC and NC don't really look promising. SC shows a steady rise going to Oct 1 and NC really has more of a plateau going w/ a rise near Oct.
  19. well, I am pro vaccine. but if one is ready before this winter it would be put out too quickly for me to line up to get one.
  20. I wouldn't rush to get in line to take a vaccine that was ready by Oct/Nov.
  21. SC numbers trending up. and we haven't had time for the reopening and other activity to be impacting some of those yet.
  22. We averaged more than 6 per day last week. I know the record in a day was set last week at 20. Had another at 13. That was just 2 days.
  23. COVID19 is real. It kills people. All over the world. It also is new. If COVID would have been a massively lethal virus? We would all be dead. Because COVID highlighted just how horrific we handle actual pandemics in 2020.
  24. Well, that can go two ways... 1. We can handle it more seriously upfront next time. 2. It actually could have the opposite approach. We do less wanting to avoid the economic problems we are facing. This could be the problem if it largely is treated as a political crisis again instead of a healthcare crisis. Which is in part the essential problem we faced with COVID and what got us into this problem. No one side of the aisle exclusively owns that. Sadly, in America, we often repeat our mistakes.
  25. hopefully when this is all over....we have a better prepared approach for the next pandemic. We didn't have to be in the position we currently are in. and there will be more. We frankly are lucky COVID isn't more lethal. I mean imagine if the next one has a SARS mortality rate and spreads like COVID. The American superpower would be screwed based on how poorly we handled this. Maybe while we are over in S. Korea (our ally) teaching them about nukes and military drills.....we take some notes from them on how to address a pandemic properly.
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