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  1. come on Mevis, is it pronounced like Elvis?
  2. I'm definitely on the same page. I also hate summer, can't even step outside without sweating my a$$ off. Like you a trip to the beach or the mountains is about the only highlights of my summers.
  3. I can't imagine what kind of toxic work place the Rhule era was. Glad that's behind the team now. Canales seems refreshing compared to some of the last coaching staff that they had to deal with. I want to be a little optimistic but I'm holding off until I see how camp plays out. Fool me once.....
  4. For God's sake, come on training camp
  5. i hope the screen door smacks Tepper right square in ass on his way out
  6. https://www.google.com/collections/s/list/nclg9AAQSjYAJRNp6F8Av5016a8R9Q/56AmZ3sQcHw
  7. The decent QB is the issue that the Panthers have at the moment. Will BY turn the corner this season and make Legette legit? I sure hope so.
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