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Everything posted by Tbe

  1. People just don’t get this. The Browns put a lot out there yesterday and it will prob cost them later.
  2. No sarcasm. We want to give NO as little to work with as possible.
  3. C’mon guys. You don’t open up the playbook week 1 so everyone knows what you can do. A simple run game could beat the Jet so they went with that. It’s the smart thing to do.
  4. Watching RBs run into a brick wall to pick up 1-2 yards isn’t fun.
  5. You wouldn’t look at CMC, Burns, or Moton and say ‘let’s play exactly like him’?
  6. Texans going full tank mode.
  7. If Teddy was willing to say that publicly, then I can only guess what he was saying to teammates. I’m sure team unity was a big factor in that decision as well.
  8. Being stupid enough to believe that was his biggest problem. Explains his bad contracts to old players though.
  9. Right. He puts in the work so not a huge deal.
  10. No, it goes back to when he talked about learning Norv Turner’s playbooks. Scott built him special binders so they could help him learn the plays because of his ‘unique learning style’. You can see one report here: https://www.si.com/nfl/2019/09/05/cam-newton-carolina-panthers-scott-turner You can tell, based on quotes from Cam himself, that learning this stuff wasn’t exactly effortless. He mentioned that 2018-2019 was the first time he didn’t feel like he was ‘guessing’ all the time. There is also this old quote I found. “I can’t learn when everybody learns, my attention isn’t as pristine as other people’s, I know that, I’ve accepted that,” Newton said in September, 2019. “Me, being the way I am, when I’m ready to learn something, it might be at 8 p.m. at night. So if don’t want to bother Scott, nor do I want to ask other people questions, I wanna know something as simple as ‘What is a Yo motion?’, something as simple as, ‘What’s Bingo?’, something as complex as ‘What is Fleet?’ or ‘Who moves on Swap Shift?’, those things I already have in my book.”
  11. Right, but the reports I’ve seen have him showing up but not actually practicing. https://texanswire.usatoday.com/2021/08/25/texans-training-camp-practice-deshaun-watson/
  12. I promise you the NFL does not want him out there. That overrides anything the Texans would do.
  13. No inside sources. One of the reporters who cover the team mentioned it at the time.
  14. New footage of Cam talking to Mac as a kid.
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