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Everything posted by PleaseCutStewart

  1. Not having Slavin is hurting right now. Pesce and Skjei have to be exhausted
  2. Ned has played very well in OT. No juicy rebounds, good vision through screens. Very impressed
  3. I'd be surprised if we made it 2 minutes without some soft or phantom penalty
  4. Can't wait for that shootout win we are going to get
  5. Maybe that will put the fear of god into the other refs. If they make the same poo calls, they will suffer the same fate
  6. fug yes! Playing 5 on 8 and still in this game! Pressure is on Nashville. Let's go bury them
  7. We just need to pull a longest yard and starting take slappers at the refs. Put 2 out of commission and I will call it a win
  8. no BS delay of game call on Nashville? Thanks refs...
  9. The refs made a mistake. They meant to call a penalty on the Canes for getting cheapshotted
  10. Watching this series makes it clear the NHL is not going to let us beat Tampa even if we advance to the next round
  11. Let's score a shorty and then go swing a stick at one of the refs faces to celebrate
  12. It's sad that we are the 1 seed, playing a team that is as small of a market as we are, and the refs still want to do everything in their power to make us lose every game...
  13. Yikes on allowing that 3rd goal Vasilevsky
  14. Hopefully someone on Tampa cheap shots Kucherov and knocks him out of the playoffs
  15. How in god's name is that not a 5? Dirty ass boarding
  16. Yikes... Refs are making it clear they want Tampa to repeat
  17. I honestly don't think there was much of a dropoff from Jenkins to Christensen (and everybody that went in-between them). I would have liked to have had Jenkins because he is a mauler in the run game, but I absolutely am pleased with the trade getting Marshall and Christensen in the process! I am still pretty shocked Marshall slipped out of the first round and a receiver like Toney went way ahead of him.
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