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Everything posted by PanthersATL

  1. So.... what's the tl;dr; here? Crocs = good? Skechers = good? New Balance / Nike Air Monarch IV = bad? And of course... Nike Air Pegasus = Best
  2. If Baker *isn't* QB1 vs Cleveland, this fanbase is going to be angry. Baker had better be the most fired-up, locker-room leader for that game.
  3. And yet, Baker STILL wanted to come here. (although seriously -- have we heard from people who know whether Rhule truly is a players' coach vs what we see and comment on here?)
  4. white jersey? they're available, just need to dig in the clearance bin a bit.
  5. technically, the defense has little room to improve from #2 overall to #1. A slight decline wouldn't be unexpected. Not what we want, but it's hard to hold onto #2 for long.
  6. Yet his constant failures in fourth quarters and tight moments Why stop now? Cardiac Cats are back, baby!
  7. saw the NFL Today on ESPN earlier with some selected clips. Liked how quickly he'd get set and get the ball out of his hands in what was shown. It's been a while since we've had a QB who understands how to get the ball to other people fast. *assuming the clips they showed are a reasonable example of such
  8. A whole lot of other big name QBs were considered "average" at some point in their careers. Farve sat on the Falcons bench, Brady was drafted #199... there are other examples where QBs overcame an "average" tag and did fairly well. Will it happen with us? Probably not. But it could.
  9. Ooooh, comparing Cam's first 5 seasons with Baker's first 5 seasons? They're close to the same in lots of numbers. (Except for rushing. Cam's got that locked)
  10. This is not a fair apples-to-apples comparison for all sorts of reasons. More smarter people here will figure out what a true comparison should be. Comparing Cam to Baker for 2018-2021 (although I guess I could pick some younger Cam years for something more accurate?) Just pointing out one thing I thought was interesting: Baker had a lower completion percentage and higher interception numbers... but still had a poo-ton of touchdowns and yardage. https://nflcomparisons.com/cam-newton-vs-baker-mayfield-comparison/
  11. it may not be the dance we wanted, but at least we're dancing?
  12. I'm for it. It's been a few years since we've had a player calling to "protect MY house".... [insert banner stealing GIF here]
  13. Drama's over. Let the dynasty begin. Also, let the funny commercials - now at BoA - get a-rolling.
  14. REALLY enjoyed THE BEAR on Hulu. THE BEAR is about a world-renowned chef who comes home to Chicago to take over his family's long-running sandwich shop. There's lots of "food porn" and what is probably the most realistic version of a restaurant kitchen that Hollywood has produced in a while. Trigger warning: there's one (absolutely fantastic) scene that will make some of you who have real-life restaurant experience go into a post-traumatic relapse. It's been out a week now, and it still has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It's just eight 30m episodes for the season, so a relatively quick watch. Somehow, FX/HULU has it listed as a comedy, but it's not really. Sure, there's some amusing pieces, but it's more drama than comedy Worth the watch. A+
  15. Well, the NFL certainly has new merchandise just for us. As seen on woot.com today:
  16. I, for one, welcome our new radio overlords.
  17. The Olympic committee HATED the overly commercialized Atlanta games. They may have made rules prohibiting it from happening again. Still, it does prove that an Olympics could be hosted without a debilitating economic impact. I think an argument could be made for a permanent "home" for the summer and winter games (making things a bit more cost-effective from that viewpoint), and then various countries could bid to be that particular year's Host Country at the venue. But that ain't going to happen any time soon.
  18. the Atlanta Olympics didn't leave the city saddled with debt or a bunch of venues that were left to deteriorate over time. Granted, some haven't lasted (the tennis facility made a solid attempt, but ultimately was sold to a developer) - but it was still less of a negative economic impact than other cities have fared. (sure, there was an insane amount of merchandising/sponsorship/logos everywhere -- but that's the tradeoff)
  19. After the toy car incident, didn't enjoy his sideline reporting as much. https://www.espn.com/nfl/news/story?id=2578808
  20. Former Panther MORGAN FOX's french bulldog, Winston, is a finalist in the prestigious Westminster Dog Show. Story: https://nypost.com/2022/06/22/westminster-dog-show-gets-4-finalists-and-one-owned-by-nfl-player-morgan-fox/
  21. I prefer to buy new vs used --- but primarily because we tend to keep our vehicles as long as humanly possible. Whether you go new or used, -- while it needs to be adjusted slightly for today's world, the goal is to keep the car long enough that it averages out to have cost just $0.10/mile.
  22. big fan of Toucher & Rich out of Boston's 98.5 Sports Hub. They talk sports, but they don't TALK sports. They've received a bunch of industry recognition, so they're legit. https://985thesportshub.com/shows/toucher-rich/
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