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Everything posted by OHYO

  1. I had this pumping through my homemade plywood box with 2 twelve inch woofers in the late 80’s
  2. Impressive! Whats the deal with the bow tie looking thing?
  3. Have you met Tommy Burleson yet? He was the electrical inspector there. He played for NC State with David Thompson.
  4. I don’t want to high jack this thread. I’m a sucker for history also. We met one of the ancestors, he just showed up from Florida one day. His knowledge has cleared up lots of questions we had about the property. It has a hidden room only accessible from the attic. Can you share some pictures of the treasure?
  5. It has Washington College wrote on it to. Its 2 mantels built by them in the late 1800’s I would assume. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington_College_Academy
  6. I’ve moved on to other parts of the project in hopes that the 5 dollars per block price comes down when demand declines, or if it declines.
  7. I’m remodeling a farm house built in 1882. I would agree that he priced it high because he doesn’t want to do it. I’m having a time getting Mason work done. The prices I’m getting are crazy high.
  8. How many have read the book of Enoch? It wasn’t included in the cannon of scripture, however some writers spoke of it in scripture. Enoch references angels called watchers.
  9. How old was the earth when created? Did it look like a shiny new car with fresh paint and no dents? Adam and Eve weren’t created as infants right?
  10. We went to Sunshine Sammies last Friday evening for desert. There freshly baked cookies makes the ice cream sandwiches freaking amazing. Four of us cost 44 bucks. https://www.sunshinesammies.com/
  11. I’ve got pictures of some of current and past Carolina Panthers hog hunting with an AR type platform that I would love to share on here. I won’t do it for fear of repercussions to my friends hog hunting business and to the players, most of them are holding an AR with a thermal scope. We need sensible and educated new gun laws.
  12. This is on the SOHO, Amazing river!
  13. Nice Rainbow. This brown came from the base of Patrick Henry dam.
  14. I’ve installed several of these in bigger homes and detached garages and workshops. If it uses the same electric meter base it will work without speed being compromised. Easy to install and cheap. https://www.amazon.com/Powerline-Ethernet-Adapter-Extender-TP-Link/dp/B084CZMYNM/ref=asc_df_B084CZMYNM/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459410835726&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17503410592904228299&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9013323&hvtargid=pla-919417978924&psc=1
  15. We did the same at Sloop for snacks and goodie’s from the vending machines.
  16. I do. Mom and Dad moved to Morganton in 1966 so I was born at Grace. We moved back in 69. I’ve thrown snow balls off the roof of the old Sloop and hit cars going through Crossnore.
  17. I’m originally from Crossnore NC in Avery County. I’ve lived on the Tennessee side, Johnson City and now Telford, since 2009. Good luck in whatever you decide.
  18. So you know the story of Butler? ETSU pride band recorded a song about Butler year or so ago.
  19. I know the area and property quite well. I work up that way often. I would expect to see this under contract for around 15k per. I hope you don’t mind visiting black bears.
  20. He going to scratch it anyway.
  21. You will be surprised, if they know what they're doing, what a good buffer can make it look like. Put money in wheels and tires rather than paint.
  22. North Captiva Island, only access to the island is by ferry. No cars allowed, it only golf carts.
  23. Same conference Jason Witten came out of. His brother is the head coach at one of the schools.
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