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Everything posted by Proudiddy

  1. Never had surgery, but have had shoulder issues since my 20s. Played a whole basketball season in Juco with a sprain/strain and it was excruciating. So, the fact he was playing football with one is insane. I can't imagine how bad the surgery must feel.
  2. I dont think it's even that. I think it really is all about Tepper controlling the image/brand and message.
  3. Yeah, I would ignore his 2021 stats altogether, and not as an apologist... he literally was playing with one shoulder and incredible pain all season, all while, as you said, dealing with coaching and teammate issues.
  4. Also, was really hoping to hear more from TMJ this season. Pretty disappointed two days in.
  5. Not understanding this charade at all. Yall had all last season to try BC at LT and you didn't want to. But now, with a widely-regarded franchise LT on the roster, let's pretend we're gonna a play BC over him! Only grace I'll give the staff is Campen wasn't here last year, so he may want a look at everybody, but other than that, fug all that.
  6. It's the same garbage he did last year. Smh... I really wish they would quit wasting reps on him.
  7. People keep bringing up how Baker didn't perform with so many weapons in Cleveland, but honestly 1) he did when healthy, as his 2020 season is severely overlooked by most, and 2) he did NOT have a weapon like DJ, ever. Landry is a great route runner but most people on this board walk faster than he runs and OBJ has been living off of his rep from his first three seasons with Giants ever since... he never had a WR the caliber of DJ. And to be honest, when Robbie is ON, he is far better than Landry as well. Baker is going to look better and better the more reps he gets and the more comfortable he gets with the playbook. Love the early results!
  8. Can't wait for Tepper News Network to throttle the information flow!
  9. That's ehat makes me believe this is a move to lessen his load from the staff because they know he's physically ready or just really doing it with an overabundance of caution as proactive maintenance?
  10. Yeeeeeah, there goes that... dammit.
  11. This right here is why people, including myself, are so hyped about "a 3rd round pick." That is ridiculously beautiful, and there aren't many QBs that can do it. If he can get the mental aspect down of the game, it is a huge tactical advantage.
  12. Has barely played over the last 3 seasons due to injury, but Fitt said we're still looking for a traditional pass rusher and he could be had for cheap I would imagine. Also, reading the tea leaves, I think Dunlap is going to sign but I figure he's waiting for TC to wrap up first.
  13. Is it just me or was this an extremely underwhelming amount of coverage/reporting from camp today?
  14. Thanks, bro! And glad y'all have got through it, too! And I agree, the BA.5 strain is so easily transmitted, and apparently it can even reinfect people it has already infected before. I experienced symptoms I had never had before with a cold or flu bug. Weird stuff like spiking a fever in minutes, then it returning to normal and coming back the next night. I went to the ER at one point just to be cautious because of numbness, fatigue, and weakness, and the whole waiting room was packed and every bed was taken, so I just went home and felt much better the next day. But, I have never seen the ER here that packed. Hopefully it continues to evolve into a less severe version of itself and everything and everyone can get back to complete normalcy.
  15. Thanks! What I learned during this is that it definitely is more treatable, but if you sense anything is off or different, like you suspect it's just a cold or could possibly be covid, get a test and you can get treatment within the first three to five days of onset of symptoms. Unfortunately, we were confused on our timeline and thought maybe we were already on the backend of our infections, so by the time we realized we weren't, we just had to tough it out and it wasn't very fun.
  16. Thank you, LP and wishing you the best! It was no joke. I spiked a fever of 101 within minutes one night, then it went down, then came back the next night. Weirdest thing I ever experienced... a myriad of symptoms that seemingly would pop up after I cleared another symptom, and it went on like that for at least a full week. Upset stomach, weakness, fatigue, cough, congestion, fever, sore throat, heart racing, etc. It took about a full two weeks to clear everything, but thankfully I feel normal again!
  17. Taylor stepped up and looked way better when he played last season, and I expect a big leap developmentally for him this season as well. I'm also eager to see how Westry pans out here. Great size/speed.
  18. Came to post something similar... I've had two major sports injuries in my life - a broken thumb and a third degree ankle sprain. I likely tore every ligament in my ankle and it took at least a year for me to play without soreness again. I broke the thumb at 15 years old and it still pops to this day and I'm almost 40. It's likely soreness hr is just going to have to learn to live with until he doesn't notice it anymore.
  19. That's paraphrasing, but listened to all of Fitt's presser today and I loved this back and forth about Corral. Both he and Rhule said Corral was in the building on his own volition early and was prepping for TC. Our media asked Fitt how he felt about Matt not taking the rookie redshirt year sitting down and he said that's what they love about him, and expected as much. He said they liked what Sam has done since the end of the season and brought Baker in so Matt wouldn't have any pressure and could sit and learn for a year and take his time to develop. But, obviously, even with adding Baker, Matt is still being a class act about it, but he is letting it be known he is not accepting that redshirt role just yet and wants to compete to start still. Now, what's interesting, is a reporter then followed that question up with one about if Fitt felt there were any similarities with this situation with Matt and what they had with Russ his rookie year in Seattle. He said it is very similar as they had ran through a QB carousel for the immediate years prior to drafting Russ, and then paid Flynn a big contract only for him to wash out and he said Russ just kept competing everyday... he just kept coming and wouldn't accept the role they had planned for him because his play each day was just better than others at his position. I really believe Baker is hands down the best QB we've had since prime Cam, and likely the second best QB we've ever had outside of Cam in our franchise's history, based off of what he's already shown (not intending to discount Jake, because I love that guy). But we still don't know what we have with Matt aside from amazing talent and traits... still, I can't wait to see what he does in the preseason, and although I love the approach ro let him sit and learn, it would be so awesome if he came in here from day 1 and shows the ability and talent to push for the starting job as a rookie. Also, it's gonna be the first time in a very long time, thanks to the addition of Baker, that watching the 3rd and 4th qtrs of preseason games will actually have any meaning, being that it pushed such a talented rookie to 3rd on the depth chart. I look forward to it! And fwiw, two years into this pandemic and my family and I just got over our first bout with Covid and hope we don't have to go through that again... whew! But man, are we glad to be on the other side of it! Shed a ton of anxiety with it! Hyped for TC! Keep Pounding, ladies and gentlemen!
  20. I get that angle, because without fans, there is no game or multimillion dollar contracts... I definitely wrote Brown off after he said it. But aside from them both saying it, I dont think it is playing favorites, but I just don't view it the same way with Robbie as I did with Brown. Brown complaining. Robbie has to rely on multiple people every play for his production and to play well, whereas Brown had a chance every play he was out there to make a difference and most often he chose to lay down instead. To me, that's two very different scenarios, which is why I have less of an issue with RA saying it versus what Brown was doing for him to have said that.
  21. Ehhh, although it had its holes, that defense was good, but the reason they lost all of those games after having a lead was because the offense was so abysmal that they got no support or points in 2nd halves. It's like having a Cy Young Winner throwing a perfect game but batters that can't hit. The defense did what they could and just wore down the longer it went on.
  22. Thanks you, AL... been saying the same thing since last season. I just don't get all of the hate for Robbie. Sure, he says certain things, but I feel he operates with a very specific code in mind, and he stands behind it for a reason. But, he's also shown that he is accountable and flexible. We've seen him rip into Sam, and then in a thoughtful, reflective moment, has defended him and spoke about their friendship. Many are saying he made the comments about Baker in defense of Sam because of their relationship, and that makes sense... but, just as he did with Sam, he has shown he can navigate relationships as needed, and pride isn't an issue. And as I said non-stop last season, yes the drops were frustrating, buy the whole offense was. Those guys were fighting a lot of stuff every play that had nothing to do with them... and I also shared the article where David Newton (I know lol) took all the advanced stats and broke down exactly what was behind Robbie's struggles. If anyone read it, it would be clear to anyone what he was dealing with and the drops had very little to do with the drop-off in production after he signed his extension. I honestly think every fanbase needs someone to pinpoint all their frustrations on, and for some reason, a great deal of our garbage has chosen Robbie to be that guy. I hope he bounces back big time this year and TMJ takes a huge jump too... and we already know DJ is gonna ball out.
  23. I thought he looked fine in the games he was actually given the opportunity to play and wasn't getting stretchered out from a Darnold hospital ball. I think he got lost when Rhule started scrambling for his job security. He looks the part, he just needs the reps.
  24. I can't believe it. It finally happened. We did it. I dont even know what to do with myself now? What is the meaning of life and my purpose in it? In a moment like this, where I thought I'd find myself, I feel more lost than ever. But anyways...
  25. I was always surprised at how he just faded into oblivion. I was obviously much younger as a person and as a fan back then, obviously, but I remember feeling like he was impressive in the little time he played. Then he got suspended and that was pretty much the end, because I didn't even know he got suspended AGAIN after the first suspension was up until I randomly thought about him and Googled him a year or two ago. It seemed like local media never covered him or what happened to him after that initial suspension. Really sad news to hear though... RIP.
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