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Everything posted by Proudiddy

  1. And to piggyback off of some of the other posts I'm reading here about Sam... idgaf about his arm talent. There are millions of people in the world that, if trained, could throw a ball on a rope 70 yards downfield. But what makes a pro, a pro, is their ability to read a defense and process what they're seeing and react accordingly. It's what separates the physically talented from the professionals. Ok, great, Sam has a relatively strong arm (and tbh, I haven't even been that impressed with his arm strength either), but if he can't read a defense it means absolutely nothing. It's like basketball... I can be 6'9" with crazy hops and athleticism, but if I don't have basketball IQ and I don't have the refined motor skills to handle the ball and put myself in a position to score or get others in that position, then what am I good for? An occasional putback dunk on a highlight reel? Hustle plays and defense? So I might occasionally have a good night, but you can never depend on me. That's what Sam is. You can have an absolute cannon for an arm and the speed and physicality of Vick and Cam combined, but if you can't read a defense it means absolutely nothing because it can't be utilized. You might get lucky here or there, but it will never be consistent. We've seen hundreds of guys like this over the years, and sadly, I think the stats would bear out that if you don't come in with that ability, you don't ever develop it. You just don't. Sam is what he is and always has been... and he won't be the first, nor the last of his ilk. And it's why that trade never made any fuging sense whatsoever.
  2. That sure will net us a lot of good LBs and safeties once we trade it to move back.
  3. Yup. Which again why this situation with Rhule is so hopeless. I had a friend yesterday as we were talking about our teams say something about what we needed to pick up in FA to fix holes on the team and I replied," that's not happening. No self-respecting player with any aspirations of winning would come here to play under this staff." If fans know it's a circus, players talk, so they definitely know. Combine that with the offensive "scheme" we're actually seeing on the field, and I just don't see how Tepper thinks keeping Rhule is beneficial at all... you can't improve if you have almost no draft picks and a league full of players that know not to come play for your egomaniacal, narcissistic amateur coach. If Rhule is here for a third year, which he is all but guaranteed to be at this point, it will take us at least 5 years to dig ourselves out of the hole he creates.
  4. It's what I've been saying, that has been clear since Cam came back. Look at the difference between them. Cam takes the snap and stands tall. He drops back, reads the defense, and tries to hit the read that is open based off what he sees. Now, sometimes he is forced to do so from awkward stances or while falling back, etc., but he is calm, cool, and collected. He only runs when he sees there is nothing there. Sam takes a snap, and his feet are immediately jittery and all over the place, he more often than not is looking down at his OL and the pressure from the opposing rusher so he can't or doesn't read the defense, and he essentially is what I like to call the "one-read and run" QB. He's so scared of pressure and getting hit, that he tries to look for that first read and if its not there, he is tucking it and running. There have been exceptions, but more often than not, he is already thinking of running before the ball is in his hands... and honestly, there are plays where he immediately tucks it as soon as he gets the snap even though he is looking downfield. He is abysmal. The common denominator between both Sam and Cam is that regardless of how they look, or how much better Cam processes and controls a game, neither of them can do much because the offensive scheme and coaching is so fuging horrible. Cam is obviously more productive and capable, and again, I maintain he could still be a Top 15 QB in the league, but this offense is the worst I have ever seen. I didnt actively watch the game yesterday, as I said, I am no longer dedicating my Sundays to Rhule coached teams (and man it felt so liberating) but from the bits I saw, it was the same old crap... he got his boy in there, and they're throwing the ball to a swing route 3 yards behind the LOs with no blockers on 3rd and 9 or something like that. 4th and 10? Let's throw it to the RB on a check route sitting at the LOS. 3rd and 12? Let's throw a 2 yard drag route. It's the same poo we saw with Teddy last year. It's what we saw with Sam this season. It's what we saw with Cam when he was in there. It is a flawed system and again, idc if they had Rodgers, Brees, or Brady in there - unless they were calling their own plays, they are going to have career-worst years and look like pure poo. I have never seen anything like it... I just don't understand the goal of it all? And again, we saw the same fatal flaws in the scheme last season with Teddy, and we had a better OL, so it's not that they don't have time... the plays themselves are complete poo. I say all of that to say, Sam looks horrible because he is horrible. I just don't think he's a starting QB because he can't read defenses, at least not consistently. But, this offense is worse, and it makes any QB that plays in it look their absolute worst as well... but, there is no point in running this experiment with Sam anymore. It is a lost cause. And I want to bring Cam back to lead us until we can draft and develop a young guy, but honestly, thats what makes this Rhule situation so hopeless... it's clear that as long as he is here, and as long as we're running his idea of a system, it doesn't fuging matter who we have on offense - it is going to be a trainwreck.
  5. While Breer is right, some of that stuff may have been there already, I feel a lot of that behavior wasn't. I've read anecdotal things from people who lived in Pittsburgh and knew/interacted with AB, and they said there was a clear shift in his demeanor and person after the Burfict hit. I dont know what he was like before it, but I know from the interviews I've seen and just general interactions since, he definitely appears to be mentally ill. Like talking to someone and you know they're aren't processing what you're saying. He seems obtuse and tbh, like when you'd see his interactions on hard knocks, regardless of editing, the conversations were almost painful. Not to excuse him of responsibility for his own actions, but he just does not seem well at all. I also have seen some national pundits parallel the shift in AB's behavior to that of Vincent Jackson's, and VJ was universally loved throughout his life, but his behavior took an erratic and sharp turn after he retired relatively young.
  6. Nope. Expected to lose and wanted to lose. We need to maximize the one high draft pick we have, and hopefully, if we finish winless it gets Rhule fired, but I doubt it. I was actually surprised Payton didn't let us win.
  7. John Miller clearly has evidence somewhere that Rhule likes butt stuff.
  8. And again, the hilarious part about it, is anyone that watches this team knows it's not the QBs that are fuging the offense up. It's the coaching.
  9. I was banging the table for Harbaugh back when everyone knew he was leaving Stanford. I'm sure he still would've ended up leaving like he did with SF, but he is proven on both levels. He knows how to excel at the pro level and what it takes - both from a coach's and a player's perspective. I wouldn't be mad at all if we went that direction. I prefer a young offensive-minded coordinator already in the NFL, but Harbaugh wouldn't be a bad hire at all. In fact, he likely would be the best coach we ever had to this point.
  10. Yeah, that was a separate source. I know its essentially the same story, but as a mod, I elect to leave this as-is because the more threads on it, the more run it gets. Rhule needs to go. Period. Keep the pressure on local media, national media, and Panther Nation.
  11. Now you've thrown a wrench in things.
  12. This. I tried to explain it better, but you did so more concisely. It's cheap and easy to say as an insult and rhymes with his name. I find it ridiculous that I have to break down his body type to justify using it lol... but I agree, he doesn't even appear to be "fat." Smh...
  13. Relax. It isn't a personal insult based off of his appearance. It's more a convenient insult that rhymes with his name, so it's cheap and easy to use. I dont care if he was was 170 lbs., I would probably still use it as an insult because it's demeaning, not because it's reflective of or judgmental of his personal appearance or weight. Growing up, my friends and I would call each other fat and I was 9% body fat into my twenties lol. I would joke it was more a mindset than a physical state. I get everyone is not me, and in this day and age, everyone is hypersensitive, but I don't mean it as a personal attack on his appearance or weight. I'd also like to add, I have seen this criticism multiple times now, yet funny, I don't see people getting sensitive about calling him a fool. So, judgments on our opinions of his intelligence is okay, but perceived slights about his weight are not? Again, it was meant as a general insult, not a personal attack. Yes, he is a human being, and that matters, but this hypersensitivity and everyone looking to be offended is a bit excessive imo.
  14. The thing that really bothers me with this even more than it usually would, is that this article comes out acknowledging Tepper is embarrassed and such, but then just 2 weeks ago, Tepper felt moved enough by that fan's sign asking for Rhule to be fired that he asked them "what they were drinking?" I have a hard time reconciling that guy with one who is embarrassed of Rhule.
  15. As long as Watson is cleared legally, I don't have a problem trading for him. And I expect the cost to get him will be significantly lower than what has been reported thus far... What I do have a problem with is trading for Watson if Rhule is still coaching here. Trading for anyone while Rhule is coach will be a complete waste of assets and resources.
  16. Also, someone hit up Jonathan Jones and see if he feels like doing another franchise-changing hit piece.
  17. Good. Time for Panther Nation to start retweeting the hell out of Teddy's post-Panther interview. Somebody go check in with Joe Brady, while we're at it, too.
  18. Somebody had to stir the poo, and he is just the guy to do it. We need more of what we got today... it's the reason Meyer ended up getting canned - because the media kept pressing and stuff kept leaking exposing just how miserable and insufferable he was as a human being. They kept digging and finding more and more examples of how he was creating a toxic culture within their building and in their organization... one that made them unappealing, both to the public and to prospective employees. And that could not be allowed to continue. It's clear in the product on the field and in the pressers, just as it was with Meyer and the Jags, that dysfunction is pervasive and evident in every aspect of this organization. The same forensics that pointed to Meyer's failings time and again are evident everywhere you look here with Rhule - the difference has been, we haven't had the hard-hitting, damning first-hand leaks to corroborate it and get the ball rolling on getting him tf out of here. Now, some of that was Meyer's fault, speeding the process up himself, bc players like Lambo, who was the nail in the coffin, were jilted and had no incentive to keep quiet about their experience. Also, the lapdance incident and then the internal leaks he was forced to acknowledge all cumulatively resulted in his undoing. We are just now starting to get the first-hand leaks and seeing the cracks in the outer facade. But, with Person's report, it is speeding the process up, as we needed... we just need more of it. Because it is putting the pressure on Tepper, much as the media did with Khan, to acknowledge his mistake (Rhule) and move on from it. We're on the precipice of what we need with this report breaking on the heels of his worst presser ever where he awkwardly compared himself to Jay-Z and cited a Fresh Prince meme, while telling the world his process is working, we're just too dumb and green to see it... Keep it up, Joe! We need you, big dog!
  19. Yeah, I and don't understand the "expect 2022 to be his last year" line? If that is already the verdict, than why tf are we bringing him back? It's a complete waste of a season and pointless. So, again, if this is the decision Tepper is making, he has decided to punt an entire year of time, assets, resources, etc., to only be in a worst position in 2023. It makes absolutely zero sense. He just doesn't care about winning if that is the case. And to piggyback off another point Person made in the article about Rhule's credibility in the locker room - I have seen and heard things guys like Reddick and Walker have said about him, when asked THIS YEAR, and I have always prided myself on my ability to read non-verbal cues and body language. I consider it a gift... pairing that with the words they actually said, and they actually seem very uncomfortable in their relationships with him. At the very least, they seem cold and distant. Not the type of feelings you would expect for cornerstones of your college programs who made it to the pros to feel towards their coach who has been with them in both levels. I mentioned it before, but I was watching a Panthers Huddle episode from the preseason some months back now, and they had a clip from a presser with PJ, and he was asked what it was like to play for Rhule in the pros and such... and his answer was less than flattering. He didnt intend for it to be that way. In fact, he seemed very forthcoming, but it didn't come off well at all. He said something along the lines of, "once the guys get here and get past all of the college stuff" they do fine. That line stuck with me. PJ has been with other pro teams. He may have even been the league MVP in the XFL had they been allowed to finish their season.... he's seen how other pro organizations operate. To say something like that about any pro coach is fairly damning, IMO. And in general, when his college guys are asked about him, they seem like they prefer to avoid it and I haven't seen one vouch for his character or for him as a coach. Cam is the only guy I have heard do it, and Cam would do it no matter who the coach is because that's who he is... But the guys who have spent years and time with him, they don't seem all that loyal or attached to him. When they have to answer questions about him, there seems to be an instant shift in their demeanor, like you would expect from someone when they genuinely don't like someone but they have to put up with them. Now, why they would sign up to come play for him in the case of like Reddick? Idk, but I'm certain there is something there.
  20. It Took Jay-Z Seven Years To Become An Overnight Sensation, LLC has a nice ring to it.
  21. @Zod? It would be groundbreaking for a current coach to get the filter while he's still here. But, I want to watch the world burn.
  22. I would absolutely love to get curbstomped like 77-0. And thanks to Fhule and Darn-Cold, we have a shot.
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