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Everything posted by Proudiddy

  1. I hope they do try to boot him because a) he absolutely deserves it and is a shitbag of a human being. And b) I can't wait to see all the juicy dets he leaks about the NFL and the other owners. I want the whole fuging thing blown up.
  2. He looks very average, so not interested in the least. And second, i had a feeling he just lost his job because of how Zappe is playing. I knew dude was legit from when we played them in the preseason.
  3. Lol, you think Tepper cares what he looks like after blowing all that money on Rhule and then beinging him back after the whole world knew he sucked? Tepper doesnt give a poo or is completely oblivious. Again, this thread was largely I'm jest and ro being some levity, because to think about the reality of our team and organization currently is far too depressing.
  4. Well, in my defense, I didn't know Wilks was part of the Flores lawsuit. That being said... I also don't care. This thread was half in jest, because honestly, wtf do we have to talk about worth talking about anymore this season. Our team fuging sucks and we have a fuging horrible owner.
  5. After seeing how yesterday played out, and not trusting any part of the NFL anymore, I wouldn't be surprised.
  6. Damn, don't even see those picks for 2 years lol. Yikes.
  7. I really don't think Robbie is that bad. I don't think he's that selfish either. He just wanted to be utilized and he wants to win, and we were doing neither. I'm not mad at him at all in hindsight. He was telling the truth. I think he'll do fine even as a WR3 there, and we'll prolly never see another complaint or anything.
  8. I kept saying it yesterday. It became clear after the first drive that we were not playing to win. How they used PJ was absolutely indefensible, and the reasons I gave were exactly what you've posted here. He was 2-0 as a starter, had shown the ability to read a defense about as well you would expect a backup QB to, and has a live arm. So when we got to the 4th qtr and I realized he had only had 3 pass travel beyond the LOS, I knew what it was. It's also why I'm not mad at Robby. He flipped out because he knew they were throwing the game... Again, indefensible and inexcusable. And Wilks didn't even try to put lipstick on it, he straight up said its what they decided to do.
  9. Watch him absolutely kill it in AZ. Good luck, Robby.
  10. Try again. I'm well aware of NFL football before Cam, but he was a generational talent and our best shot at winning a Superbowl in our franchise history. Sure, we could happen into the right coach and a QB, but do you trust Tepper to find them? Even accidentally? Both of them? And even before Cam, the NFL had it out for us.
  11. Respectfully, I'm not underestimating the impact of either. I know what they can do and what they mean... what I'm doing is accurately projecting our owners ability to locate either of those people. Edit: also, just saw your last paragraph upon rereading your post and I take back the respectfully.
  12. No joke, if I wasn't so lazy, I would look up the stats from when Kendall Hinton started at QB for the broncos. I am almost certain he attempted more passes past the LOS than we did today.
  13. We are the NFL's bitch franchise. Always have been, always will be.
  14. And yet, look at the turnover in both of those positions of need... you're much more likely to miss, and it takes years to find either of them. We have to find both. We caught lightning in a bottle with Cam. Like I said, that isn't happening again. We had our window, and the NFL slammed it shut.
  15. Regardless if you agree with the conspiracy talk, the outcome we agree on. But I could see it taking much longer than a decade. People keep acting like tanking will fix it all... they need to check the hit/miss rate on 1st round QBs. Not only is it not guaranteed, but our odds of whiffing again are just as high as actually getting it halfway right... and with how the organization is being run, I know what direction I see that going... Rhule wasn't the only one in over his head.
  16. Yup... 3 pass beyond the LOS through 3 qtrs and not even attempting to drive for a score with a 1:30 left and 3 timeouts in the first half. It became clear we were just tying to get in, run clock, and get out of there with minimal damage. And again, I like Wilks and I can't imagine him making that decision, but man, there's no way you run that gameplan thinking it'll lead to a win. I snapped on robby during the game thread, but in hindsight, I think he was bucking at what we were doing because he knew that's what it was.... I don't think it was about touches, i think he snapped because he knew we were playing not to win. It's a fuging shame that we're putting these guys at risk to purposely lose. It is embarassing.
  17. I dont know anything about anything anymore with this league, man. Nothing is as it appears. Again, if we're trying to win, why in the hell would you only have three forward passes through 45 minutes of gametime? And with a guy who is 2-0 as an NFL starter and was allowed to pass downfield in both of those games and every other game he has played in... but today, he suddenly can't pass beyond the LOS for three quarters. I don't care if you had to start a punter at QB, you aren't playing to win of you don't even present the threat of a downfield pass for 3 quarters. I like Wilks. I don't know if that directive came from the top or what, but that isn't playing to win.
  18. Actually, its already crept in quietly and kicked its feet up. I think I may find some new hobbies. I just had a moment of clarity watching this game today... this isnt stopping with Rhule. He just jumpstarted the era we are now fully in. It won't matter the coach. It won't matter the QB. It won't matter what other players we have... Winter is here. And the winter is called Tepper. There was only one Cam Newton. There won't be another. No one is stepping through that door to help us. Not Stroud. Not Young. Not Hooker. No one. There is no "next Cam," or "franchise QB" that we're gonna pick to turn it around. Why? Because whoever we pick will be the wrong guy. That I'm certain of. Remember the days of the Browns and Lions being the league laughingstocks? We are now that. And we will be for the entire foreseeable future. There is no light at the end of the tunnel for this franchise... the league has been trying to tell us ehat they think of us since Superbowl 50. He'll, even going back to Superbowl 38, where they covered up the Pats cheating beforehand by destroying evidence. Think back to Superbowl 50 snd all that horrible officiating. Think back to them letting Cam get beaten like no other QB has before or since that entire year in 2016. And think of how they have treated us since... we finally succumbed to their pressure. They awarded their boy Tepper a franchise, but he has to pay his penance and allow us to be the league's patsy for advancing their storylines and agendas, as they always have. And Tepper is more than willing to cooperate. Hell, he's doing a better job than even they expected at sabotaging our success. Buckle in ladies and gentlemen.... it's going to be a long, dark, dreary ride.
  19. It's clear we came into this game trying to lose, and PJ was the sacrificial lamb to the draft gods from Tepper. fuging pathetic he gets injured for fuging nothing, while they have him out there steering the fuging Titanic... don't let him pass the entire game when it was to his and our benefit that the defense didn't know what was coming. Then we let him pass when they know we have to pass, down two scores and they tee off on him and knock him out. Also, aside from the poo calls the entire day - they call roughing on Stafford for a cuddle, then let Ramsey lower his helmet and absolutely blast PJ into oblivion with helmet to helmet contact and that isn't a penalty. fug you refs. I'm telling you, Superbowl 50 was the beginning of the dark ages for our franchise. It's never been the same, and it never will be again.
  20. I think I may find some new hobbies. I just had a moment of clarity watching this game today... this isnt stopping with Rhule, he just jumpstarted the era we are entering into. It won't matter the coach. It won't matter the QB. It won't matter what other players we have... Winter is here. And the winter is called Tepper. There was only one Cam Newton. There won't be another. No one is stepping through that door to help us. There is no "next Cam," or "franchise QB" that we're gonna pick to turn it around. Why? Because whoever we pick will the be the wrong guy. That I'm certain of. Remember the days of the Browns and Lions being the league laughingstock? We are now that. And we will be for the entire foreseeable future. We have the worst owner in the league. Nothing can fix that.
  21. But how did it get there? And no, this staff was not entirely picked by Rhule.
  22. I just don't understand what we were planning to do this game????? So we can allow PJ to pass NOW, when they know we have to pass. But he couldn't be permitted to pass when the game was still winnable and the defense had to guess what was coming? How tf does this make any sense? You won't let him pass when it's to his advantage... but then you open the playbook when they can pin their ears back and destroy him? Smh. fuging stupid ass coaching.
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