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Everything posted by GOAT

  1. I rarely drink these days, but I had to run to the liquor store and purchase two bottles of liquor just to stomach watching the second half of that shitshow yesterday. I am now hungover, reading the Huddle, trying to process how I feel about this team, and I feel the need to rant about over a dozen things. This is a fan forum, so if you're already trying to think of a gif to post or a funny one liner like "lol dude it's preseason" "lol dude go touch grass", you can go fug yourself. I have been watching the Panthers for quite some time now. I've sat through a lot of bullshit. I'm honestly sick of it. I'm sick of the mediocracy, I'm sick of settling, I'm sick of getting embarrassed, I'm sick of watching bad football. This team looks completely flat, no energy, no discipline, no preparation, no heart, nothing. Bad penalties, bad play calling, horrible fundamentals, inexcusable mistakes and missed opportunities all across the board. These motherfuggers get paid more than anyone on here will ever make in a life time and they absolutely BLOW at their jobs. These motherfuggers get paid to play a game that children play on TV and they somehow get a pass year of after fugging year for playing shitty / coaching shitty. These motherfuggers eat, sleep, and breathe this game, they practice all year, their whole lives, and they just still cannot get it right. We as fans wait months to see the team we root for take the field and show some heart, make plays, win games. We as fans work all day, some of us in grueling jobs, long hours, travel, etc - and we sit down to watch some football to relax and enjoy downtime. We as fans buy merch, buy tickets, show up to events, encourage these guys. and this is what we get? Every single fugging year? No matter the coach? No matter the GM? No matter the players? Just complete dogshit every single season? Year after fugging year? This is equivalent to being a diehard fan of a band, buying their merch, buying their concert tickets, etc and then having them drop an album that sounds like someone jack hammering a cat. Or going to their concert only to watch them trying to play their instruments with a fugging dildo. It is absolute insanity. It is an absolute joke bro. Like what in gods green earth are you guys doing at practice? What are you doing in meetings? What tape are you watching? How do we string together a group of the worst coaches and worst players, year after year? How does that even happen with out trying? Why is our social media team posting a picture of the definition of preseason after a game? Do you know how embarrassing that is? Do you know how cringe and stupid all of their content is? Get off the fugging phones and stop trying to be hip. Stop trying to save face because you have a shitty ass product and you think being funny or "cool" on social media will mask that. All this rah rah crap, all these interviews, skits, "this or that", stupid ass social media trends, cut that shid out and start fugging focusing on not being complete horseshit on the field. Players laughing and shid on the sidelines, "oh har har har I still get my game check and then get to go home and play as myself in madden then wake up and dick around at practice tomorrow har har har". Motherfuggers never worked a god damn day in their lives, they don't know shid about adversity, they don't know shid about hard work, discipline, effort, heart. These motherfuggers just out here running around playing a game half ass and collecting money. These coaches are all just failed players that can't give up the glory of being on the field and are out there trying to act like they fugging know anything. "IT'S JUST PRE-SEASON LOL" "IT'S JUST WEEK ONE LOL" "IT'S ONLY THEIR FIRST YEAR TOGETHER LOL" "IT'S ONLY A GAME LOL" fug outta here. Why even watch then? Why even go to a concert where they're playing instruments with dildos? What is the fugging point? This franchise absolutely sucks man. Tepper has ruined this shid. I really wish I didn't like watching the Panthers, I truly don't even know why I do. I would do anything to take this team over and actually show these motherfuggers what it means to work hard, have some fugging heart, give a damn, make plays, make an impact. I wait all god damn year for this shid and here we go again. Every week until February we're going to watch these idiots "coach" this "team and draw up dogshit plays for them to butcher if they even get the snap off before committing a penalty. "LOL LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS" "LOL DUDE DON'T EXPECT THEM TO MAKE A GOOD ALBUM" LOL LOL LOL GIF GIF GIF says a lot about you as a human if that's how you live life. If your passions are that weak, if you are that quick and easy to settle. I can honestly rant about this shid all day so if you want smoke please go head and quote me. David Tepper, Reich, players, I want all the smoke. Social media team, come at me with that softshit. I am spending the rest of my morning writing to the front office and DMing every single person with a social media account that works for or plays for this team to make them aware of our disappointment. I may speak for some of you already and for those that don't agree, I am going to speak for you any ways. Because? Because this is absolute DOGSHIT DILDOS.
  2. dude im so bummed rn
  3. awful, awful play calling, awful QB play, awful separation, awful blocking.
  4. can't believe they threw every play. defense looks so unprepared and out of sync.
  5. bro, this place is poppin on work days - even on mondays. the 2nd game in a year with a new staff and QB, on a friday? and nada? not a good sign my G. I hope Tepper is reading this.
  6. no game day thread, people already giving up on the team. if that ain't a measuring stick for where this fan base is with this product idk what is... if it's not 21-0 by half, we might be discussing selling the team this weekend.
  7. it's 2023. if we don't stop living in the past, we'll never have a bright future. I was afraid of all of this throwback crap, our old coaches, our old players, all coming back to try and make a run. just fugging win, just fugging produce, shitt or get off the pot. if we don't see any signs of life tonight from our starters / coaches, this place might burn itself to the ground before we even head to Atlanta. It's almost just as embarrassing if we DO play our starters for a long period vs their backups and run plays / schemes to try and impose our will. If the starters and coaches can't show improvement (and I mean DRASTIC improvement) against their starters while just running our basic, fundamental gameplan. I will be extremely embarrassed and worried. "oh it's just pre-season!" "oh it's a rookie QB, new coaches!" "oh this might take a couple years!" nah dawg, fug that noise.
  8. ya, now it just seems forced, seems like a bunch of youngins took over and are trying to be the best still and Teppers hands are all over it. probably wouldn't be so distasteful if we weren't so embarrassing on the field.
  9. our social media team is cringe and our franchise should be focusing on winning a repairing their competitive image before making more poorly timed content, fluff pieces, and cringy attempts at hyping up players with a new aged approach.
  10. you've got roughly 15,000 posts worth of complaining champ. I didn't watch it, and I have a right to announce my dislike towards the teams content while they're in the shitter. if you don't like me commenting on that, don't read my comment or engage with me.
  11. you got 15,000 posts on a fan forum sit down.
  12. I would be down for that. Shid is realy cringe anyways. You don't see the real franchises doing this crap with scrub players after getting blanked.
  13. don't forget that these dudes actually have to WANT to play for us too lmfao
  14. teehee so funny! I love watching dudes that got embarrassed make funny videos! show some fugging progress before you pedal social media crap, kids.
  15. that's one of the repercussions of hiring an all star coaching staff, trading picks and players away for the #1 pick, all these goofy hype videos, memes, gifs, etc. you do all that, get blanked AND made look silly? woo boy
  16. ready everybody? on the count of 3... 1... 2... 3...
  17. yikes bro you're looking crazy rn. I get that you like oklahoma but you trying to claim ownership over Hurts and disregard his past and his own words is almost down right creepy.
  18. bruh look at this dudes username, he just tryna claim Hurts - you won't catch him claiming baker tho
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