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Everything posted by Killah_Ray

  1. For me Pittsburgh falls into that category of Seahawks/Patriots...they're not division rivals but I want to beat those bitches by 100 points every time we play....
  2. Might as well be at this point. Hell the way the team is playing we could surprise a team like Dallas I think…
  3. I would’ve figured Luvu would’ve been higher. He had a helluva game…
  4. The entire sports media world is gonna poo on us hard when we beat Detroit next week and end their playoff chances…
  5. We could be undefeated and still have a house full of Steelers fans…
  6. I'm used to going on a winning streak to close out a losing season so this is normal for me...
  7. I think we score the upset and win a one score game today...
  8. I want a new QB, but AR is so raw he’s gonna be a 2-3 year project. I’d rather just give Corral a year to either sink or swim than go that route.
  9. On one hand I don't really want us winning more games...on the other hand fug Russel Wilson....
  10. Blackshear isn't doing a damn thing with Queen...
  11. Luckily or unluckily, the only fantasy implications I have in this game is I'm playing DJ because I'm not a smart man and can't leave him on the bench....opponent has the Baltimore D though...
  12. Got away with not giving up points this drive...
  13. Bad wind conditions with Baker at the helm...gonna see a whole lot of Foreman/Chubba today I'd assume...
  14. Had neck fusion surgery on Thursday so I'm feeling like complete poo right now...hopefully the game is somewhat entertaining...
  15. No way in hell was he gonna walk by that Cam statue every day.
  16. King had a moment where I thought he would make a pretty decent NFL qb when he was in college.
  17. I’m guessing we’re gonna get a lot of dumbass takes that we should play to win the division this week. Smh
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