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Everything posted by frankw

  1. You say I'm simply watering down what you stated then immediately go on to claim "everyone" is calling him a "midget". You could just acknowledge you are operating with the same level of bias in this discussion as anyone else that you accuse of. I am hard pressed to recall anyone here that has argued our receivers and oline were very good. Clearly they were not. But you also have to acknowledge Bryce Young didn't help matters himself and that happened apparently more often than you would like to discuss. And if you want to vehemently go to bat for Bryce Young you cannot do so just blanket labeling all the receivers garbage while expecting kid gloves for Bryce Young. Again he played his part. His deep ball all extenuating circumstances aside has been mediocre at best and simply atrocious at worst and that's going back to his proday. It is there for anyone to see. We passed on the QB with the better arm talent. Now we are left to salvage what we can and that is what Canales was hired to do. You act like he's the first 22 year old QB to be scrutinized. Well sorry but that comes with the territory of being a #1 overall pick. He's had 40+ million reasons to brush it off and get his ass in the weight room and prove any doubters wrong. But apparently he looks exactly the same as last offseason. What are you gonna do eh?
  2. Oh all homerism aside. Without a doubt. I'm already preparing for that. People want a Clowney reunion here but his top two choices are the Jets and Ravens no feel good story about returning to the Carolinas is going to sway him at this point in his career.
  3. You perceive the criticism of Bryce Young to be bashing when it's simply logical application of what we know of him in the National Football League. He finished with one of the worst rookie seasons in history. We can't change that. In this very thread someone just touted his Heisman trophy like that means anything. What do you make of that? You have to evenly apply the standards you are expecting for dialogue on this issue. As for Canales from what I can tell a good number of people think he can be capable of doing positive things here. They just don't know that he's been given the hand to be able to do that with under the guise that he's been hired to fix Bryce Young. That's precisely why he ended up being our choice for the job if we are just laying all our cards on the table and being honest with ourselves.
  4. Every defense we faced knew from watching the tape that half the field was off the table. Nobody feared Bryce's arm talent regardless of the oline or receivers. Even months later some simply cannot accept it. You have my sympathy.
  5. I mean I can't blame anyone for taking the seeing is believing approach to our #1 pick considering we have had the worst win percentage in all of professional sports the last few years.
  6. I heard nothing about this until after we signed him. Not a good omen. I get the sense our pass rush is going to be a heated source of discussion in the GameDay threads this fall. Especially if Burns shows out with the Giants.
  7. Looking at the state of our secondary I don't see why not. At least make a run at him for a reasonable contract. Why we didn't just do this after we traded for him instead of giving Donte Jackson that extension is just one more to add to the Fitterer buffoonery pile.
  8. Anywho. I like the insight from Canales. I can appreciate that he doesn't just give canned coach speak answers to everything. Certainly the footwork can be addressed but the issue is things like for example the baffling pogo hop that Bryce has apparently done for years isn't related to footwork it's so he can see the field. He's had time to do things like this in college because he played for Alabama. Canales certainly has his work cut out for him.
  9. None of us can know that. You can cope with the pick without these mental gymnastics.
  10. I'm just having a little fun with it. But really though. Within the span of a month. -Schefter namedrops Nicole Tepper -Nicole Tepper sits down for an impromptu local interview as Panthers owner -Schefter calls into the Pat MacAffe show with David Tepper beside him Clearly the Tepper's and Schefter communicate with one another and have been doing so for some time. And to think some labeled any suggestion of such communication as a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory.
  11. David Tepper and Adam Schefter just hanging out together eh? Well well well.
  12. 2nd round. Wide Receiver. Carolina Panthers. At this point just hit on the pick. IDGAF which one.
  13. No reason to berate each other over Mike Williams. He doesn't move the needle that much anyways.
  14. Maybe he's a meat head. He did score I believe a 93 on the same test Bryce Young was praised for aceing. I mean looking back if my only options are trading up for Bryce Young or staying put I'd have drafted Levis and kept DJ Moore. The Titans just shelled out 92 million bucks to pair Levis with a WR we could have given him for half the cost. You just have to laugh.
  15. The best weapon in the NFL is elite QB talent. Offensive player of the year or Super Bowl champion? Which one you choosing?
  16. We would have to overpay and even then he didn't want to stay here last time. Probably a pipe dream. If it does somehow happen people will complain about his run defense too just as they did before which is always forgotten in these convos.
  17. Kick the tires on a low end contract when the team releases them which they will eventually sure. But Fitterer's time as GM centered around being "in on every deal" and being one or two moves away from where you need to be as if he were playing GM mode on Madden instead of any semblance of a long term plan. I'm sincerely hoping Morgan is much different in this regard and can actually draft at minimum solid players. We'll see.
  18. Eh that's hardly settled. His parents were thrilled to have him on the west coast where they have nothing but familial roots. He himself seems more than content. I think it's pretty safe to say even if he didn't directly want to leave immediately he was not willing to continue risking his health and career longevity to wasted seasons here. You guys are going to have to accept that one day.
  19. Well if you're looking for accurate statments. I'd say after one of the most disastrous rookie QB seasons ever seeing Bryce Young look pretty much physically the same after gutting the defense and shelling out well over 100 million dollars to beef up the offensive line it would more than qualify as an accurate statement to say that's not exactly encouraging. Looks like I might be getting an early start on that 2025 QB class after all.
  20. Well boys might as well get started early looks like it's going to be another long season.
  21. Yeah it's a tough situation could have made a case for keeping him given our need but also can easily make the case that he was an acquisition made out of necessity and he hasn't held up his end of the bargain now with two different teams despite where he was drafted. Nothing against the guy he didn't make the trade Fitterer did. Good luck to him. Hey let's just agree to stop sifting through the lost and found bin of teams like the Jaguars going forward considering we're the worst team in the league until proven otherwise.
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