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Everything posted by glenwo2

  1. Yes you are correct in that if he doesn't get it together, then he'll never get it together. But you have to be cautious in setting too high a bar for him that anything less than that "too high" a bar is viewed as a failure in your eyes while others (with a more reasonable approach) view the result (providing it works out) as a Success. And he will produce on this team. He HAS TO. There is no other choice. uhh....wait....did you just call the Panthers "another very bad franchise"? what?
  2. You're not making any sense whatsoever. Give it a rest.
  3. Fields is not Mahomes or Watson. Stop smoking crack.
  4. Because he said something positive about Sam Darnold and the "Waah! Waah! I wanted Fields!! Waaah!" crowd didn't like that.
  5. All he has to do is throw ONE..... ...*ONE*...pass for 10 yards or more and he'll be better than Teddy. lol
  6. To his credit, though, he has made some good decisions while on the run(aka running for his life). But no one can make good decisions when he's running for his life ON *EVERY* PASSING DOWN. Hopefully with this O-Line(which will still be eons better than the garbage he played behind) he'll be able to deliver passes from the pocket.
  7. Yep. Being a nice guy does not make one a good QB, though it is preferable to have a nice guy that CAN throw the ball for 10+ yards.
  8. I only put up that specific connection because no other player he threw to will be on the Panthers.
  9. I think he was referring to our QBs Pre-Darnold.
  10. Well so do I but this is not about betting with money.
  11. You should make a bet. If Sam is still a Panther after 2 years, you don't post at all here for 1 full season. If it turns out that you are correct, then everyone here is required to give you nothing but Positive reaction emoji's (No Poo's) all season long no matter what you type. Sounds fair?
  12. Because this gives us a rough idea of what to expect from that connection at least : Looking forward to him developing similar chemistry with DJ, CMC, and company. EDIT : of course Youtube(and the NFL) has to be a beeyotch and not allow embedding of this vid so you have to go there to watch it but whatever.
  13. I think they took much stock in the 49ers drafting at #3. Is simply drafting Trey Lance that much more impressive? bah.
  14. If he flames out, then that's on him, not the Panthers. But I have a feeling he won't.
  15. What a relief. For a second there, I thought Zach Wilson's mom would be mentioned.
  16. I wonder how Teddy would have done if he was QB'ing the Jets last season? I'm going to venture a guess that he wouldn't have fared much better. Yeah, Sam has something to prove here to the Panther faithful but let's not put Teddy "I'm going to burn my bridges and talk sh-t about my former team" Bridgewater on a Pedestal when HE is the reason why Sam was brought here in the first place. Pretty much this. But who gives a rat's ass what SI or any of the media morons think?
  17. A Steelers troll?? I guess that explains a lot. And wouldn't it be funny if Sizzlebuzz was some kind of relative of Tepper or even Tepper himself posting here? lol.
  18. First off, "son", don't be an a-hole and tell me to sit down and get a grip, okay? If you want to turn this conversation into a flame war, I'm game. Second, you assume Rhule was lying when you have zero proof of it. Finally, you assume this is an alt account of whomever the f Chuck is (is that Trainwreck?) when I'm brand new to this board. Btw, if Chuck is TrainWreck, then he dislikes me as much as I dislike him (if you haven't noticed). But yeah...this is an alt account. GTFO of here.
  19. That Noah guy in the vid (with the Sunglasses and the shirt off) looks like a Pro-wrestler, though. lol
  20. Jaycee is one big, tall Cornerback. Didn't realize he was this big. BTW, Noah Igbinoghene looks like he could be a Pro-Wrestler. lol.
  21. Does SizzleBuzz and Toomers have some kind of personal vendetta against Rhule or something? Holy sh-t.
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