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  • Birthday 01/01/1981

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  1. I went to Canes games back in '04 & '05 when you were probably still a swimmer waiting to make your dad a father. There was no one there bc they sucked. Some of the lowest attendance in the NHL. As a Panthers fan coming off a SB season (03-04), I couldn't even believe they put a hockey team in Raleigh, and given the attendance, a lot of people speculated they would be relocated somewhere back up north where they would be supported and not "Mayberry." Seriously, educate youself. That is reality. That being said, comparing that environment to 2024 Canes would be disingenuous. I was at PNC last year and know how great the current environment is. Comparing the current environment at BOA to 10 years ago is just as disingenuous. Just bc you didn't witness how good BOA is when the Panthers are actually decent doesn't change reality. Seriously, surely you see that coming from such an elitist environment like the globally renowned world-class city of Raleigh, NC... I guarantee you if you went to a Canes game and a Panthers game in 2005, the difference would be unreal bc the Panthers were awesome and the Canes were (at the time) a moribund franchise. I have been in BOA when the whole stadium was rocking. You simply are young, don't know what you're talking about, but want to portray yourself as having knowledge about things you simply don't. You have a lot in common with modern day politicians and televangelists Like I said, Idiocracy has prevailed... Have a great day too!
  2. Dude you have no idea what you're talking about. Best place to live? LMAO... that's your criteria... Charlotte gets put all over those lists too... come on man... and those lists have zero to do with sports. I'm done after this bc I'm punching down intellectually here... The Panthers have been bad for 6 years now. You are obviously young and not overly educated based off the "dunks" you're putting out there that certainly are, so let me educate you today on the Panthers. The Panthers sold out for well over a decade straight. BOA has been as good an environment as there is when the team is good. Fan support for the Panthers has been incredible when the team has even remotely reciprocated. The idea that Charlotte doesn't support the Panthers is utter BS. People in Raleigh have the biggest little brother syndrome of all time... Nobody outside of the Triangle cares about any of your "vaunted" sports team outside of Duke-UNC in basketball on a national scale. Sure, the Canes are great. But nationally, the WWE dwarfs the NHL in ratings. More people care about Cody Rhodes than Sebastian Aho... or anyone else in the NHL for that matter... I doubt less than 5% of anyone in this state outside of Raleigh even knows who that is... that's a knock on Aho who is a great player, it's just the NHL barely makes a ripple in the overall hierarchy of American sports. It's not in the same universe as the NFL or NBA no matter how badly you want to tell yourself otherwise. Raleigh is not a big-time sports city, no matter how much you want to scream into the abyss about it. Neither is Charlotte. But no one here is making such a nonsense argument... LOL it's good to be young and to be ignorant enough to be confidently wrong... WTF are you even on this board though since Charlotte is so beneath you? There is an actual discussion board on this very site for Raleigh sports since they are so superior... Maybe it's bc I'm watching Idiocracy with my son, but your timing is perfect, my man... The dumbest among us have become the most confidence in their ignorance... God Bless America!!
  3. WTF are you talking about? There is literally nothing east of Raleigh until you get to the coast. Nothing really north either not that it matters. Y'all really want to believe Raleigh is some big-time place and Charlotte is bumpkinville. It's so provincial minded and frankly laughable. Unfortunately, actual demographics and reality paint a different picture. Raleigh homers are in a different class, man. A city of half a million whose inhabitants think they are some global city when most people living in this country don't even know where it's at... And they think they're flexing by crapping on Charlotte in this forum... The insecurity is off the effing chart...
  4. This is ridiculous and embarrassing... lol do you work for the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce? I mean sure Raleigh is perfectly ok, but you're acting like Raleigh is NYC and not half the size of Charlotte like it actually is. I know it's easy to crap on the Panthers and everything related to them, including Charlotte, but this blatant nonsense from someone who needs to travel outside the Carolinas a little bit... it would help you from making embarrassing small-town comments like this... For real, do you really believe that? B/c if so, you really need to get outside of Wake County, NC some if you expect anyone to take you seriously...
  5. I have 4 PSL seats in Section 540, Row 19 for the Panthers. The past few years I have traded a couple of Panthers games for Charlotte FC games, but the guy I had traded with didn't renew his Charlotte FC tickets this year. If there are any Charlotte FC season ticket holders that are interested, please DM me and we can work out a trade. This is my preference so I can avoid Ticketmaster and their BS fees. Thanks!
  6. 100%. It flies under the radar given all his other blunders, but the Miles Sanders' contract was atrocious, and it only looks worse after a year.
  7. I felt this in my soul. Good post
  8. This isn't about Bryce Young in a vacuum. This isn't really even about BY9 per se. And I don't give a crap about other fans. What I do care about is being able to come to this board and have discourse with Panthers fans that actually have some context & perspective for the things they spew. It's not about agreeing or not. I could come to this board for well over a decade and have that experience. And I disagreed with many, many people. None of whom acted like this current cast of trolls. Now, there are literally people with clown avatars attacking any take you have that isn't overwhelmingly negative... It's effing insanity. And I'd be willing to bet everything I've got the website traffic has plummeted. Obviously, the team's performance is a factor, but there are so many users than used to be regulars that have disappeared from this board. For reasons similar to mine. And dude, I've been a PSL owner for 20 years... trust me, I got thick skin when it comes to the Panthers. I'm just trying to provide legit feedback and constructive criticism about the direction of this message board.
  9. I will say I'm proud to have made it 19 years and never have received a warning before now. Goes to show you where this board is currently at... Measured takes by long-time Panthers fans with actual perspective... Absolutely Not!! Hot-Takes by Literal Clowns... By All Means, Yes!! I've always liked you CRA and appreciated your takes, but the moderation on this board makes no sense to me. Regardless, I do appreciate that you're willing to remain and wade through this cesspool... it's not a job I would want... I guess Jeremy decided this place was hopeless... I do hope once this franchise turns around, so can this board. And I realize being the moderator for a message board for a team like the Panthers that has been godawful for years can't be easy... Hopefully (for all of us), things will turn around, and you will get to be the moderator for a board that means something again. 2015 was insane with the amount of non-Panthers fans coming here to try to talk poo... it's hard to overstate how fun this board was... Now, it's just our own "fans" attacking anyone who dares not be overwhelmingly negative... If this isn't the nadir both for this franchise and CH, I hate to see how much further the abyss can go...
  10. Cmon dude... you've been a moderator for years... You really don't remember the discourse around here in 2017?? CMC was hated by many, many people. Especially after the season Kamara had. Anyone who doesn't seem massive parallels between that CMC/Kamara debate vs. the BY/CJS debate is lying or misremembering IMHO. And to your 2nd point, Bryce doesn't deserve another season? So, the book wasn't written on CMC after 1 season, but it is on Bryce? My avatar is of Cam and will always be. No one will ever take his place for me, but it's insane the number of people activity rooting against this team (and then talking trash to those of us supporting them). Man, I'll take my next month hiatus from this place, but I'm simply astonished at the revisionist history. I miss being able to have even remotely objective discussions on this board. People getting dragged by trolls every single time they try to post anything is exhausting... BTW @CRA, appreciate the warning. I'll see myself out, just like SCP and all the other posters worth a crap who got tired of this cesspool always favoring the poo-slingers... This board allows clowns to troll all day long anyone trying to have reasonable discourse with zero repercussion, but if you push back against this depressing and inane s-show and all the nonsense takes, then it's no good...
  11. I'm old enough to remember the people who wrote CMC off after his rookie season. Was too small, couldn't break tackles. Was a completely wasted pick. Complete bust to take him top-10 when the Saints drafted the OROY (Kamara) in the 3rd Round. We live in a hot-take society. I hope Bryce does better and 100% think he can, but none of us have a crystal ball. Just interesting how things have changed (i.e. CMC vs. Kamara). And it's like that with multiple players. Cam was never seen in the same vein as Andrew Luck of RG3 early on... the NFL creates their own narratives, and many of them outlive their actual truthfulness. It is still wild to me the amount of hate Bryce has received. Let's see what this season brings...
  12. All this talk about Centers misses the point IMHO. We have massively upgraded the overall quality of this unit. That is the most important thing. Other than Icky (who certainly has the potential), every other lineman is a proven starter in this league. So while I understand the question about Center somewhat, to me it's a bigger deal that we are actually putting guys who have proven they can start out there over a wing-and-a-prayer type players like we've seem to have done for many years now. I think the overall quality and depth is much better. They still need to prove it on the field, but I'm not that concerned about moving Corbett to Center. As we gave out over $100M guaranteed to linemen this offseason... that's not neglect.
  13. I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up keeping 4 RB's with the new kickoff rules with Blackshear being the primary KR. Canales has said over and over that he intends to run the ball, and then run it some more. Brooks is the best RB prospect in the class, and it is a need. We may never have a RB quite as dynamic as CMC again, but Hubbard, Sanders, & Brooks is a quality group. We should be able to get production from that group if the Oline does their jobs.
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