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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. Hell yeah. Once my knee heals up and I can get back to my seats you will have to give a fist bump on the way down to yours. btw. Handicap 107 level seats aren’t bad
  2. Just win baybay! let’s go canes!
  3. KK silenced the crowd!!! what a comeback win!!!
  4. Not over yet boys. 5 Minutes and we are buzzing hard. Let’s score and send this to OT
  5. Then check their ass into the glass. Get them moving.
  6. This is unwatchable. Refs are horrible tonight
  7. I will always stand that the NHL has the worst refs in the league
  8. We can’t lose to another ass team can we?
  9. Raanta hurt means we get our boy Koochie back.
  10. Pretty sure a rod rocket would rip anyone a new asshole……wait.
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