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Everything posted by 96Bravo

  1. Didn't Bryce allegedly have a bad o-line and mediocre receivers his last year at Alabama? Maybe Frank should go back to the Alabama footage and see if we can mimic what they did that season to be successful. Maybe a matter of adapting to Bryce's game... ...something like that. Hell, we're all trying to figure it out.
  2. That's what I was wondering about. Stroud was missing 4 starters on the line but look where he is on the chart. If you watch the game, he was getting the ball out quick. Look, you gotta release the ball quick, or run with it. Either way, be decisive.
  3. Y'all don't understand how badly I want to be wrong about all the red flags I had about Bryce. Obviously, the two weeks have done nothing to alleviate those concerns. But I will be patient. The Play calling, receivers and pass protection are definitely not great right now, so. We'll see...
  4. The o-line will get better. I have confidence Zavala and Mays will improve with every game. Like Icky did last year. Plus, Corbett should return this season.
  5. So, Holton Ahlers is trying out for Green Bay. Hope he finds a place!
  6. I mean, did anyone consider the Texans' Nico Collins a great WR coming into the season? He was a 3rd round pick a couple of years ago. Had few yards last year than TMJ. Yet, he looked elite this Sunday. Just offering a perspective.
  7. Ironic, since the media put him on that pedestal .
  8. I just wanna say, this idea that Bryce is always calm and cool is a fantasy. Monday night, his face said calm and cool, but his actions were frustration, confusion and panic. He looked like me my first day of Basic Training. He even got behind the wrong lineman to begin one snap. It's okay. He's human, after all. But maybe not quite as brilliant as many made him out to be? Anyway, I'm rooting for him. I hope he's as clever as we think. If so, he will adapt.
  9. One of the critiques I'm hearing from the media is the Panthers lack a deep threat to spread the offense. But I'm confused. I thought TMJ was supposed be good at that, considering: https://lastwordonsports.com/nfl/2023/06/16/terrace-marshall-stats-a-j-brown/
  10. I mean if it's not the plays, it's the execution. So...who's not executing, Frank?
  11. Ok so...low expectations now for the rest of the season. I suppose I can hope for measured improvement as the season progresses. I hate to see a great defense wasted.
  12. Bryce is definitely rattled. He began that down standing behind Mays. Sanders pushed him toward the center.
  13. I wanna talk about how we should have taken preseason more seriously...but I don't wanna beat a dead horse.
  14. I do miss Foreman. Even though he can't receive worth a dang.
  15. So at times I think it's the o-line allowing too much pressure. But, honestly, Bryce is holding onto the ball too long most of those moments. But maybe that's because noone's open. Even still...you got to make a quick decision, even if it's a scramble. I keep thinking back to Bryce describing how he relies on anticipation when he can't see behind the line. Ugh...I don't know.
  16. The D is gonna make me cry, they're playing so inspired. The O is making me cry for other reasons.
  17. If there's nobody open, how about some screens...or some designed play from an offensive coach smarter than me.
  18. Sheesh! I guess what I have to hope for is that at some point we see the offense finally click. Seems like we're only throwing to Thielen right now. A but frustrating.
  19. CJ wasn't great in college because he has a "big arm." LOL
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