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Everything posted by DamnItJake!

  1. Same I listened to tunes and had it playing in the background
  2. I heard we won!! Was it close?? If I was cool I would add a gif !! Rodney Dangerfield insert gif here!!
  3. ESPN always has a hardon for our opponents.. it’s so fuggin annoying!!
  4. Damn!! Could tell that was going in!! Hell of a shot.. unfortunately
  5. Kevin Green is a great call.. of course.. seams to leaning to drafted/long term guys I am guessing!?
  6. lol!! Did Armanti make the team!?? I don’t even remember.. it was a bad experiment and I think Delhomme played better than Armanti tbh!!
  7. I understand the talent comparison that why I said they had their own styles..and I agree if Cam had Moose and Smitty he might have had a longer career !! if Kasay had not shanked that kick out during the Super Bowl I would have put him on there cuz we probably would’ve won it!!
  8. To me: 1) Peppers 2) Smitty 3) J Gross - unsung hero 4) Kueckly 5) Cam/Delhomme - both got us to Super Bowl - had their own styles
  9. Seen some clips of the kid!! I like him he reminds of Smitty but on defense!! We need that fire !! Hopefully he pans out in the long run!!
  10. Never seen so much bitching on players!! Enjoy the draft and hope our coaches see players they can develop into a successful team!! Damn.. this forum has become unbearable!!
  11. Damn what a stressful game!!! Nice to end this damn series!! Go Canes!!
  12. Just shows u have no character and weak!! But do you! We don’t control your career!!
  13. I agree with your assessment we are on the same page!!! Get tired of saying it from thread to thread!! Cheers!!
  14. Damn didn’t want Bijan in ATZl but it’s the NFL
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