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About Butterflyj30

  • Birthday 06/30/1982


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Wow Tidjane is tall hopefully he can come in and help right away
  2. I think it is also I don't think they were very good last year
  3. I think we'll win 5 Games Chargers Bears Washington NY Giants Arizona
  4. I like Bryce but I am very concerned how he will do this season
  5. This is a great schedule release from the Chargers the Panthers make an appearance in Game 2
  6. I like this video I hope they do this every year!! And the fact that the team got no Monday or Thursday night games should be motivation for them
  7. I hope soo and I hope it works!! I haven't seen him in any of the videos
  8. They are having a Schedule release special on NFL Network
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