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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. A lot of it was offensive system. The Bills run the offense we should've ran. They take shots but there are plenty of quick hitter layups designed for YAC too. Shula had none of that. Virtually all of Cam's passes were downfield to blanketed receivers with hot/cold hands. We were consistently near the bottom of the league in YAC.
  2. I was specifically talking about weapons as in receivers. We drafted KB in the 1st but he blew his knee out and got fat and lazy. We drafted Funchess in the 2nd the next year and he turned out to be pretty much what I expected him to be - a poor man's version of KB. He was a big receiver who played soft. Cam won an MVP with Ted Ginn Jr. as his #1 WR. That's wild.
  3. They both have/had cannons. Not sure there's really an appreciable difference either way.
  4. The nightmare scenario is something like 7-10. Enough "improvement" to possibly justify keeping Rhule but still nowhere close to actually competing.
  5. Cam wouldn't have been required to had we actually surrounded him with some weapons. We tried, we just chose poorly.
  6. Josh Allen is just eerily similar to Cam in his prime.
  7. After going through that poo show, he might be willing to just retire than walk into another one again.
  8. Mahomes is just different, man. Damn.
  9. Damn. Some of the plays Mahomes makes...
  10. I wasn't talking to you, but if you think the shoe fits go on and wear it.
  11. I would prefer the Bills or Bengals but there's no one left I despise so I'll take that.
  12. The Brady slurper seems to be taking this kinda hard.
  13. Akers wouldn't see the field again for me.
  14. Welp, can't anyone still be shitting on Stafford about playoffs this playoffs that. Dude got it DONE when it mattered most.
  15. WHAT??!!! And potentially give the ball to the suddenly red hot Bucs when a TD beats you? Hell no.
  16. How in the world would you even begin to blame this on Stafford?
  17. IF the Rams can somehow survive, I think I'd deactivate Cam Akers. You can't trust that guy again after today.
  18. The Falcons just went ice cold while still trying to be aggressive. The Rams are just giving the game away with turnovers.
  19. That's four turnovers in basically a half since the first one was right before half.
  20. This is the biggest choke job I've ever witnessed. This is worse than what the Falcons did in the SB.
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